Tuesday, December 31, 2013

As the ball drops...

Happy New Years Eve!! Wow, 2013 is gone! Time flies! 2013 has been a great year! Alot has happened in my life in 2013 that I am so thankful for! Now, dont get me wrong...everyday has not been sunshine and roses, but I do try and find the good out of the not so sunshine and roses times. There is always always always something to be thankful for! I cant wait to see what lies ahead in 2014! :)
We have had a great New Years Eve! My little crew got up this morning and headed to the Anniston Museum. We tried to go yesterday, but it was closed...so today we tried again! The girls love going to the Museum and seeing all the exhibits! We had fun looking at everything until right at the very end..... Lily decides to pee pee as she is looking at the Giraffe and the Rhino! Yep, she begged to wear "big girl panties" and did so well throughout the whole place...until right at the end! Thanks to Alexis announcing it loudly...we rushed out of there quickly! :) At least we were pretty much done anyways....    :)

Tonight Tyler and I had a date night!! The girls enjoyed eating dinner with Nan, Pawpaw and  Brandi while Tyler and I ate at Longhorn and went to a movie! The girls played at home while we were gone. Our movie was SO long! Tyler and I didnt expect it to be 2 1/2 hours long. My suggestion to everyone....dont go see Wolf of Wall Street. OH MY, it was rough watching it pretty much the whole time! We still enjoyed our date night despite the movie! :)

We got home to two little girls sound asleep in bed...and right as the ball was dropping in Times Square!! HAPPY NEW YEAR!!  I love watching Ryan Seacrest's Rockin New Years show with all the singer's preforming in New York City! Lets just see if I make it to midnight on Alabama's time! My bed is calling me.......     :)

The girls loved looking at all the dinosaurs! 
 Alexis was fascinated by the rocks...crystals....and stones! Of course because she likes all things bling! :)
 She was amazed by this "pickle rock" as she called it! :) It was green and she said it was pickles that had turned into rocks! haha!!
 Lily fed the hungry puppy a strawberry!!
 Of course when we go we have to have a picture by the big bear! The girls doing their best 'bear face!'
 As we had to rush out of the Museum for a certain reason...we came home and took a good nap, took a good bath....and got ready to ring in the new year!!
 My date for the night! I am so thankful that I got to ring in the new year with this guy!
 And...of course I had to have a New Year's kiss!!...............

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Homemade goodness...

We have had a low key laid back kind of day today! We have been smelling some homemade goodness or aka Beef Stew all day as it has been slow cooking away! I love making homemade Beef Stew! It is one of my favorite "comfort foods"...."wintertime foods" to make! It is loaded with healthy veggies, and my girls love it which is great!!

We ended up having an impromptu visit by Nan and Pawpaw followed by them inviting us to eat...so we headed out to Jeffersons! The Beef Stew will just get to have all the flavors blend more for us to enjoy tomorrow! Which will be even better!! We enjoyed Nan and Pawpaw surprising us and going to eat with us!

The Stew is waiting for us!! OH YUM! :)

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Kids vs Adults!

The Crazy ones....meaning us...ventured out of the house tonight for some much needed adult conversation! We did not care that it was raining...and cold and that there were going to be 6 kids in tow! :) We have spent the last two days of our Christmas break cleaning...cleaning...cleaning..and more cleaning as we took down all of our Christmas decorations. It was much needed and glad that it is done! But...I am tired and we have been couped up and we needed to get out some! :)
This is the first year that I have gotten my Christmas decorations down so early. I have had to work in all the years past right after Christmas day, so I never had a chance to get them down so early! It was kind of sad because I love Christmas decorations! It is a PAIN to clean everything up...it is so much more fun putting everything out! :) It is SO nice though, to now have everything done and therefore I can enjoy the rest of my break and not have to worry about doing it!
We hit the town with the Grogans and the Johnsons tonight! Always a good time with them...and always loud and rowdy! :) The kids always love hanging out with each other!!
We met everyone at Fuji, and let me tell you that was an experience!! It was SO good and the kids loved watching the "show!" Us being really crazy got the idea to get yogurt after we ate...to continue the fun! :) Yep, it is 40 degrees outside...and raining, but yet we go and get VERY cold yogurt! :) It was a good night!

These two girls are ready to go!!! They were sooo excited to see everybody!
This was toooooo funny!! The kids were on one side.........
vs the adults on the other side!!
The girls enjoying their yogurt at the girl's table!! :)
Thank the good Lord for crayons and coloring sheets at a yogurt shop! Whoever thought of this idea...literally is a genius!! :) They know kids on a sugar high need some form of entertainment to keep them silent! :)
I just dont know how kids can have soooooooooooooooooooooooo much energy! It amazes me!!

As 2013 ends....

I will always look back and remember that in 2013, I was able to spend every day with my sweet family.  I know for a fact that these are the very best days of my life.  I am so thankful for my little family.  At night, when the 4 of us are tucked away inside, no matter what kind of day we have all had, I have such a peace that God has me right where He wants me.
I know some will remember 2013 with great loss and sadness and for that, it makes me sad and so sorry.  I have had years marked by tremendous loss and sadness...but just always know that everything happens for a reason and time heals all wounds. Prayers for all of my friends who will remember 2013 with a heavy heart and for hope that 2014 will bring happiness.  
When I look ahead to 2014, I am very optimistic.  I really don't know what the future holds for 2014 but I am confident in the Lord's plan for my life. Can you believe 2013 is almost over???!!! :)

I cant wait to start 'Amber every day in 2014' where I will document one picture every day that either represents what I did that day or just a special moment from that day. Get excited...my picture taking addiction will be getting bigger!! :)

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Day after Christmas!

It is the day after Christmas...and we are hitting the ground running! We are still continuing to enjoy of Christmas break!!
We ran a TON of errands today and took advantage of after Christmas sales! Of course the highlight of the day was eating at O'Charleys! {Thanks Ben!!}
Ready to have a fun day!!
Daddy's day was made! :)
And my day was made!!!

Christmas day night! :)

We had a big big Christmas day!! After we were stuffed at Nan and Pawpaw's...we headed to Nannies for MORE food! :)  We will not have to eat for about 2 weeks from all we ate in one day! :)
We had the whole Reese crew at Nannie and Hogan's house! The girls always love to play with Meg and Mal...and joke around with Blake!
Alexis was too funny while we were there! She played "entertainer girl!" She started telling everybody what games they were going to play! For example, Mal and her played the "No blinking game" per Alexis! Alexis actually did great for her first time to play! She beat Mal! Everybody played 'Thumb War' too and then she came up with the idea to play 'Lets stick our hair up game and stick our tongues out game' :) And last but not least game that she came up with....'put a cup on top of your head and whosoever cup falls first looses!' :)
After we finished eating we opened gifts and then played Dirty Santa! We had alot of fun!!

The girls had fun opening their gifts from everyone!!

The bunch!
The cutest present from Nannie and Hogan! A bubble gum machine! SO cute!

Christmas Day!

After we played with what all Santa brought, we headed to Nan and Pawpaw's to eat Christmas lunch! We ate a TON of foods! Nan worked hard! It was great to visit with Pawpaw's sister who was in town to visit for Christmas and see her Dad! {He is getting out of the Hospital this weekend!} That is SO great!
After we ate, we LOVED opening gifts!!
Minnie helping Alexis fix her twin doll! :)
Pawpaw the Elf!! :)

The girls loved their new chairs! :)

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

I was super good!

Merry Christmas! Christmas 2013 has flown by! We have had a great Christmas!! We started our Christmas morning by waking up to see what Santa brought! Alexis and Lily's faces were priceless when they came in to see what all was brought!
Alexis cracked me up by saying "Mommy, Santa brought me things that I didnt even ask for!! I must have been SUPER good!" :)   ...... oh me! :) Such a great Santa!! :)
Nan and Pawpaw came over and saw what all goodies Santa brought and then later Gran stopped by! The girls loved showing off everything to them!
Once Gran left, we relaxed and watched The Christmas Story movie and played with what all Santa brought. You just can NOT have a very Merry Christmas without watching The Christmas Story movie!!! It is a classic...and I just love it! {I mean really, I have a lamp just like the "leg lamp" from the movie!!}
We got cleaned up and loaded our car down with presents and all the fun stuff the girls wanted to bring and show off to everyone and headed to Nan and Pawpaw's for Christmas lunch! Nan made alot of great foods! YUM!! We enjoyed spending time with Minnie and Mickey Joe and opening gifts with Brandi!
Christmas day night was filled with more good food and fun as we headed to Nannie and Hogan's for more Christmas fun!! We had our first official Dirty Santa Christmas! It was a hit...and I hope we keep doing it!! I think VICTOR MURPHY cheated.....that is all I am going to say about that!! ;)
We had a nice little...or I guess I should say...big surprise from Ben! He proposed to Mom! She was sooo surprised that she didnt even answer him at first! But then after a couple of minutes...she said yes! :) Congrats to them!
Santa has come to town! As Lily kept saying!! :)
Lily sitting with her Daddy as she checked out her stocking and her LaLaLoopsy doll!!
Lily LOVED getting "lipstick"............she rolled it on....and rolled it on...and rolled it on!! {You get my point!!}
The girls with their "girls!" Lily with her LaLaLoopsy doll and Alexis with her "twin" doll! {She was SO excited that her doll looked just like her!!}
 Sooo excited about her fingernail polish!
 Lily was SO excited about her bracelet!!
checking out everything that Santa brought her!
Alexis and her twin
Gran came to visit!
Nan and Pawpaw came to see what Santa brought!

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Christmas Eve!!!

Merry Christmas Eve to all!! We are sooo excited that Santa comes tonight! The girls just have not known what to do with themselves today! They have kept asking and kept asking when he is going to get here!
We started our Christmas Eve day with a bang! We loaded up and headed to eat some great breakfast at Cracker Barrel with Nan and Brandi. It filled us up so much that we just snacked until dinner at Gran's! We came home and enjoyed the rest of the afternoon by making cookies for Santa, putting the Christmas key under the outdoor mat for Santa {in case he can't fit down our chimney!} watching Christmas movies and reading an email from Santa telling Lily and Alexis that they had made the 'nice' list this year!! {The look on their faces as they watched the videos from Santa were priceless!!}
Our Church had a beautiful Christmas Eve Candlelight service that we went to with Nan, Pawpaw, Gran and Ben. We sang beautiful Christmas carols, heard the Christmas story, took Communion {Lily did it for the first time!!}  and then lit candles as we sang Holy Night! I love love love to go to the Candlelight services on Christmas Eve. It is one of my most favorite 'traditions' that I love to do with my little family!
We were ready for some food and opening Christmas presents at Gran's once Church was over!! By the time we got home...two little girls were tired and ready to go to sleep so Santa can come! Merry Christmas Eve!!! :)

Ella Jingle's last day with us! :(   She threw a celebration! :) She had balloons and gifts for all of us!!
Alexis and Lily loved their Christmas blankets from Ella Jingle!
Getting ready for the Christmas Eve festivities!
My little family at the Candlelight service! :)
Gifts galore at Grans!!
Nannie and Hogan opening the gifts from us!
Ben worked hard to put together the stroller and swing! :)
This picture CRACKS me up!! Alexis is telling Lily that Lily is the Mommy and she {Alexis} is the babysitter!
So Lily was suppose to hand over the baby doll to Alexis since she was the 'babysitter'...that didnt happen! Lily said no! :)
Got home just in time to put cookies and milk out for Santa! :)

Monday, December 23, 2013

3rd day of Christmas break!

The Law family headed to one of our favorite places...Birmingham today to visit dear friends...and of course La La! {We were sad that we didnt get to spend time with the rest of the Murphy crew, because they all had to work} :(
We met the Rigney's at Treetop to let the kids play! Alexis was BEYOND thrilled about going to Treetop and spending time with Payton! She just loves him and it is so sweet to see them together! They have always played so well together! It was great spending time with them and seeing my favorite little men and getting to know sweet Eva!
We spent time with La La at her house before we headed to one of our most favorite restaurants...Superior Grill! OH, it hit the spot! That place is SO good!! :) We got home just in time for getting ready for bed for the girls! It was a great day!!!
Daddy had alot of fun at Treetop too!
Alexis loves this Dinosaur game!
She loves having a Treetop card too!!
Poor Lily slept pretty much the whole time we were there!
Love love love these kiddos!! I love watching them grow! :)
We had fun spending time and eating with La La!