Sunday, December 1, 2013

It is already December!

Wow, November flew by! It is already December! WOW! :) OOhhh...our Thanksgiving break is over and time to get back into the groove again come tomorrow! We have enjoyed our break, but it doesnt feel like I have had a "break" really because I have been going and going everyday! It has been sooo worth it though! We have enjoyed playing with friends, eating with family, doing our Thanksgiving festivities, Christmas shopping, Christmas decorating, Christmas present wrapping, going to the movies, Mommy and Daddy date night and Church!! We have been busy! :)
We are still trying to recuperate from last night's win!!! OOOHH today is a great day! :) We enjoyed Church followed by eating lunch with Nan and Pawpaw...and a picture or two with Santa!! I cant wait to see how they have turned out! It has been around 60 degrees today, so Daddy has completed putting out our Christmas lights outside! And...Ella Jingle {our elf} made her appearance last night!! So, get ready to see what all she is up to!! We are officially ready for Christmas!
 And...oh is now time for pictures by the Christmas trees!! :) Alexis! She is SO grown! She loved her outfit she wore to Church today! She told me that she looks like an "adult" because her new shoes are 'high heels'..and she wore "real" panty hose! :) {OOOHHHhhhhh me!!} :)

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