Wednesday, December 25, 2013

I was super good!

Merry Christmas! Christmas 2013 has flown by! We have had a great Christmas!! We started our Christmas morning by waking up to see what Santa brought! Alexis and Lily's faces were priceless when they came in to see what all was brought!
Alexis cracked me up by saying "Mommy, Santa brought me things that I didnt even ask for!! I must have been SUPER good!" :)   ...... oh me! :) Such a great Santa!! :)
Nan and Pawpaw came over and saw what all goodies Santa brought and then later Gran stopped by! The girls loved showing off everything to them!
Once Gran left, we relaxed and watched The Christmas Story movie and played with what all Santa brought. You just can NOT have a very Merry Christmas without watching The Christmas Story movie!!! It is a classic...and I just love it! {I mean really, I have a lamp just like the "leg lamp" from the movie!!}
We got cleaned up and loaded our car down with presents and all the fun stuff the girls wanted to bring and show off to everyone and headed to Nan and Pawpaw's for Christmas lunch! Nan made alot of great foods! YUM!! We enjoyed spending time with Minnie and Mickey Joe and opening gifts with Brandi!
Christmas day night was filled with more good food and fun as we headed to Nannie and Hogan's for more Christmas fun!! We had our first official Dirty Santa Christmas! It was a hit...and I hope we keep doing it!! I think VICTOR MURPHY cheated.....that is all I am going to say about that!! ;)
We had a nice little...or I guess I should say...big surprise from Ben! He proposed to Mom! She was sooo surprised that she didnt even answer him at first! But then after a couple of minutes...she said yes! :) Congrats to them!
Santa has come to town! As Lily kept saying!! :)
Lily sitting with her Daddy as she checked out her stocking and her LaLaLoopsy doll!!
Lily LOVED getting "lipstick"............she rolled it on....and rolled it on...and rolled it on!! {You get my point!!}
The girls with their "girls!" Lily with her LaLaLoopsy doll and Alexis with her "twin" doll! {She was SO excited that her doll looked just like her!!}
 Sooo excited about her fingernail polish!
 Lily was SO excited about her bracelet!!
checking out everything that Santa brought her!
Alexis and her twin
Gran came to visit!
Nan and Pawpaw came to see what Santa brought!

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