Saturday, December 28, 2013

Kids vs Adults!

The Crazy ones....meaning us...ventured out of the house tonight for some much needed adult conversation! We did not care that it was raining...and cold and that there were going to be 6 kids in tow! :) We have spent the last two days of our Christmas break more cleaning as we took down all of our Christmas decorations. It was much needed and glad that it is done! But...I am tired and we have been couped up and we needed to get out some! :)
This is the first year that I have gotten my Christmas decorations down so early. I have had to work in all the years past right after Christmas day, so I never had a chance to get them down so early! It was kind of sad because I love Christmas decorations! It is a PAIN to clean everything is so much more fun putting everything out! :) It is SO nice though, to now have everything done and therefore I can enjoy the rest of my break and not have to worry about doing it!
We hit the town with the Grogans and the Johnsons tonight! Always a good time with them...and always loud and rowdy! :) The kids always love hanging out with each other!!
We met everyone at Fuji, and let me tell you that was an experience!! It was SO good and the kids loved watching the "show!" Us being really crazy got the idea to get yogurt after we continue the fun! :) Yep, it is 40 degrees outside...and raining, but yet we go and get VERY cold yogurt! :) It was a good night!

These two girls are ready to go!!! They were sooo excited to see everybody!
This was toooooo funny!! The kids were on one side.........
vs the adults on the other side!!
The girls enjoying their yogurt at the girl's table!! :)
Thank the good Lord for crayons and coloring sheets at a yogurt shop! Whoever thought of this idea...literally is a genius!! :) They know kids on a sugar high need some form of entertainment to keep them silent! :)
I just dont know how kids can have soooooooooooooooooooooooo much energy! It amazes me!!

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