Friday, December 20, 2013

Lets celebrate!!

We are in full swing Christmas celebration mode starting TODAY! HOORRAYY!! We are out for Christmas break! And since we are officially on break....we have had parties galore today! Alexis had a half day today and all that consisted of school for her was having their class Christmas party! :) She said she had sooo much fun and made a gingerbread house! Lily had her class party today too! She wore her Pjs today and enjoyed movie time like Alexis did yesterday!

I picked up Alexis after school and we continued the celebration of being on break by eating at Alexis' favorite place...McDonalds!!.....followed by picking out the best tasting cupcakes!! :)

It has been a beautiful day today {in the low 70's, can you believe it!} and we have taken full advantage of it! :)

Getting ready to go to the last day of school before Christmas break!
Lily wore her Pjs today! Doesnt she look adorable! :)
Alexis was SO excited about all the events that happened today! hard to decide!!
BUT...she found the perfect one! It was called Fairy Princess of course!...and with purple sprinkles, she was in Heaven!! :)
This little girl must have celebrated a little too much today, because she couldnt even make it through dinner! She was literally eating one minute...and passed out the next! {Sooo tired, that she left her hand in her ketchup!!}
The whole time that I was washing her off, putting her pjs on, etc...she did not budge, but as soon as I laid her little body on her bed....she piped up and said "Mommy, kiss!" I leaned down and gave her a kiss and she laid her head back down and fell back asleep! It melted my heart! :)

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