Saturday, December 7, 2013

Dirty Santa!

I am sooo excited that my 2nd Annual Dirty Santa Christmas party was a hit! :)  I have been waiting what seems like FOREVER for this day to come around again! I love love love to throw this party..and I hope to keep doing it! :)We all had a great time...and I have to say everyone left with some really nice gifts and of course full bellies!! :)
I made Shrimp Cocktail, little barbeque wienies,cucumber and tomato onion salad, Italian pasta salad, spinach dip, black bean Texas caviar, Rajin cajin dip with veggies and stuffed sweet peppers!...not to mention yummy cake!! YUM~O!
There were 25 of us and we all enjoyed catching up and swapping gifts! It was a much needed, and long awaited girl's night! :)
The food table!
LaLa and Lily!! {Yes, the girls came up to the 'big girl's' party for a little while because Alexis said that she is a "girl" that means she should be able to come to the "girl's party!" :)
Thanks to my friend Peg...she sent me some pictures! They are not great since they are from her phone, but I am glad she gave them to me anyways! :)

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