Saturday, December 28, 2013

As 2013 ends....

I will always look back and remember that in 2013, I was able to spend every day with my sweet family.  I know for a fact that these are the very best days of my life.  I am so thankful for my little family.  At night, when the 4 of us are tucked away inside, no matter what kind of day we have all had, I have such a peace that God has me right where He wants me.
I know some will remember 2013 with great loss and sadness and for that, it makes me sad and so sorry.  I have had years marked by tremendous loss and sadness...but just always know that everything happens for a reason and time heals all wounds. Prayers for all of my friends who will remember 2013 with a heavy heart and for hope that 2014 will bring happiness.  
When I look ahead to 2014, I am very optimistic.  I really don't know what the future holds for 2014 but I am confident in the Lord's plan for my life. Can you believe 2013 is almost over???!!! :)

I cant wait to start 'Amber every day in 2014' where I will document one picture every day that either represents what I did that day or just a special moment from that day. Get picture taking addiction will be getting bigger!! :)

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