Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Cowgirl Christmas!

The second Christmas program was last night! This time it was at Lily's school, Kids 1st! Alexis was in this one too because she walks down from Kittystone and stays there until both girls are picked up in the afternoon. Alexis loves walking down to Kids 1st because her friends Sara Kate, Carli and Eden are down there with her!
The Cowgirl or what it was actually "No shoes Country Christmas" was so cute! I loved seeing the cute little bitty kiddos singing and doing the motions! It was SO cute!
Lily looked a little nervous as she was walking out in front of everyone...but as soon as she saw me and everyone she knew, she grinned from ear to ear!!
The girls before the program!
Showing off their Cowgirl boots! They LOVE their boots!! :)
My little singing Cowgirl
So sweet! :)
My other little Cowgirl! SOOO sweet! {And yes, she has on different clothes than she did from the pictures up at the top, we had to change her clothes when we got to the Church!} :) She did SO good up there!
So sweet! :)

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