Sunday, December 15, 2013


This weekend was pretty low key. I woke up Friday not feeling so well {I went to bed at 7:30!!}, and by Saturday, I was pretty much no good! :(
Saturday was just one of those days that being social and accomplishing anything was just not in the books for me...and yet I had to work the ACT test! :(  We didnt end up making it to the Fritt's annual Christmas party Saturday night.... but...we still had a good weekend despite me not feeling good.
Tyler and I did get to enjoy a date night though by eating at our favorite Mexican restaurant, and watching the movie Catching Fire, Hunger Games. Nan and Pawpaw kept the girls for us, which made Tyler and I not know what to do with ourselves with the silence! It was weird! :)
Thankfully, I am feeling alot better today and we enjoyed the afternoon with the Grogans by going to eat and then to the Anniston Museum's Christmas light show. It was alot of fun to see all of the lights..and animals, and we cant forget Santa!!
 The girls are ready to go!

I couldnt find Tyler...and so I look over...and LOOK where he was! He was over there writing 10 pages to Santa for his Christmas list! :)
He mailed it too....soooo...... 
I thought this was SO cute!
They made their list....and mailed it off to Santa!
Lily loved riding the train!
This Santa was so nice and was a great looking one too!
Do you think these kids are on his nice or naughty list?!?!?!!? :)
They had a BB gun area, from our all time favorite Christmas movies...The Christmas Story!!
You'll shoot your eye out kid!
I have to say....I had a better shot than Tyler!! I hit the bullseye..right on!!!! Whooo hoo!!

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