Thursday, December 12, 2013

Jville parade

Baby...its cold outside! But, we bundled up in several layers...had a heater so therefore we were ready for the Christmas parade! We enjoyed Momma G's with Nan, Pawpaw and Gran and then headed to find a spot to get ready for the parade. This year was a good bit bigger and more of a crowd than last year! It was colder last year though so I dont know if that played a factor or not?!
Alexis loved seeing all the "beauty girls" aka beauty pageant winners! She loved seeing them with their crowns! Lily LOVED seeing the snowman! And...when Santa came down, she kept yelling "Hey Santa!!" and she was waiving her little hand off! :)

Buurrrr!! We hung out in the car for a little while to stay warm before the parade started!
All bundled up and ready for it to start!
Nan and Alexis catching candy!
One of the fun floats!.............and Nan and Alexis still catching candy!

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