Sunday, December 8, 2013

A little Christmas wedding!

The day has come for Richard and Pam!! It was a simply beautiful Christmas wedding yesterday! I am sooo happy for them!
Alexis practiced at home! She was sooo funny! She got this huge basket and walked back and forth in the living room!

Lily practicing...she did SUCH a GREAT job! So proud of her!! :)
My sweet flower girls!!

It is GO time!

Nannie and Pam

Ben did such a great job on his song! He can sing!!
The Bride and Groom! :)

Sealed with a kiss....
Announcing Mr and Mrs Bishop!!
Richard and his sweet parents!! {Such a sweet picture!!}
A special moment!
HAHAHA!! This picture CRACKS me up! :)
So special! :)
My sweet little girl!
Alexis cracked me up!!! Pam threw the bouquet to Alexis {you know...when the Bride throws it to all the single see who will get married next!} :) Well...Alexis was SO excited that she actually caught it! {Because if anyone remembers Alexis playing tee~ball...catching the ball (or anything for that matter)..isnt Alexis' specialty!} :) Anyways...right after she caught it..Pam asked her if she knew what it meant since she caught it?!? Alexis said "no". So..Pam tells Alexis that it means she has to get married next! Well....Alexis THROWS it down immediately!! she is saying "NO, I am not old enough to get married!" It was soooo funny!!!

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