Monday, December 23, 2013

3rd day of Christmas break!

The Law family headed to one of our favorite places...Birmingham today to visit dear friends...and of course La La! {We were sad that we didnt get to spend time with the rest of the Murphy crew, because they all had to work} :(
We met the Rigney's at Treetop to let the kids play! Alexis was BEYOND thrilled about going to Treetop and spending time with Payton! She just loves him and it is so sweet to see them together! They have always played so well together! It was great spending time with them and seeing my favorite little men and getting to know sweet Eva!
We spent time with La La at her house before we headed to one of our most favorite restaurants...Superior Grill! OH, it hit the spot! That place is SO good!! :) We got home just in time for getting ready for bed for the girls! It was a great day!!!
Daddy had alot of fun at Treetop too!
Alexis loves this Dinosaur game!
She loves having a Treetop card too!!
Poor Lily slept pretty much the whole time we were there!
Love love love these kiddos!! I love watching them grow! :)
We had fun spending time and eating with La La!

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