Saturday, December 7, 2013

And you're gonna hear me ROAR!!

I've got the eye of a Tiger..a fighter...and YOURE gonna hear me ROAR!! Ohh OOHH OOhh OHHH...OHH ohh OHHH!! {Compliments of Katy Perry!} :)

SEC CHAMPIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Go Auburn!!! WHOOO HOO!! What a game! I have to say...NOTHING like the game last weekend against Bama {NO game with probably ever TOP that game!!}...but OH MY....SEC champs!! :)

We enjoyed a very very busy day with Aunt Pam's wedding!! {Post coming!!} :) and then RUSHED home to watch the SEC game against AU and Missouri!!
Brit, Mitchell and Meg came and hung out with us!! {We were all sooo excited that they came to watch the game with us!} :)
I only had to threaten Meg a couple of times that she was going to have to sit outside in the cold if she smiled...laughed...or cheered for Missouri !! :) We had a great time!!
And...they did puzzles....
And colored....
and played with stickers............... :)

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