Tuesday, December 31, 2013

As the ball drops...

Happy New Years Eve!! Wow, 2013 is gone! Time flies! 2013 has been a great year! Alot has happened in my life in 2013 that I am so thankful for! Now, dont get me wrong...everyday has not been sunshine and roses, but I do try and find the good out of the not so sunshine and roses times. There is always always always something to be thankful for! I cant wait to see what lies ahead in 2014! :)
We have had a great New Years Eve! My little crew got up this morning and headed to the Anniston Museum. We tried to go yesterday, but it was closed...so today we tried again! The girls love going to the Museum and seeing all the exhibits! We had fun looking at everything until right at the very end..... Lily decides to pee pee as she is looking at the Giraffe and the Rhino! Yep, she begged to wear "big girl panties" and did so well throughout the whole place...until right at the end! Thanks to Alexis announcing it loudly...we rushed out of there quickly! :) At least we were pretty much done anyways....    :)

Tonight Tyler and I had a date night!! The girls enjoyed eating dinner with Nan, Pawpaw and  Brandi while Tyler and I ate at Longhorn and went to a movie! The girls played at home while we were gone. Our movie was SO long! Tyler and I didnt expect it to be 2 1/2 hours long. My suggestion to everyone....dont go see Wolf of Wall Street. OH MY, it was rough watching it pretty much the whole time! We still enjoyed our date night despite the movie! :)

We got home to two little girls sound asleep in bed...and right as the ball was dropping in Times Square!! HAPPY NEW YEAR!!  I love watching Ryan Seacrest's Rockin New Years show with all the singer's preforming in New York City! Lets just see if I make it to midnight on Alabama's time! My bed is calling me.......     :)

The girls loved looking at all the dinosaurs! 
 Alexis was fascinated by the rocks...crystals....and stones! Of course because she likes all things bling! :)
 She was amazed by this "pickle rock" as she called it! :) It was green and she said it was pickles that had turned into rocks! haha!!
 Lily fed the hungry puppy a strawberry!!
 Of course when we go we have to have a picture by the big bear! The girls doing their best 'bear face!'
 As we had to rush out of the Museum for a certain reason...we came home and took a good nap, took a good bath....and got ready to ring in the new year!!
 My date for the night! I am so thankful that I got to ring in the new year with this guy!
 And...of course I had to have a New Year's kiss!!...............

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