Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Christmas Eve!!!

Merry Christmas Eve to all!! We are sooo excited that Santa comes tonight! The girls just have not known what to do with themselves today! They have kept asking and kept asking when he is going to get here!
We started our Christmas Eve day with a bang! We loaded up and headed to eat some great breakfast at Cracker Barrel with Nan and Brandi. It filled us up so much that we just snacked until dinner at Gran's! We came home and enjoyed the rest of the afternoon by making cookies for Santa, putting the Christmas key under the outdoor mat for Santa {in case he can't fit down our chimney!} watching Christmas movies and reading an email from Santa telling Lily and Alexis that they had made the 'nice' list this year!! {The look on their faces as they watched the videos from Santa were priceless!!}
Our Church had a beautiful Christmas Eve Candlelight service that we went to with Nan, Pawpaw, Gran and Ben. We sang beautiful Christmas carols, heard the Christmas story, took Communion {Lily did it for the first time!!}  and then lit candles as we sang Holy Night! I love love love to go to the Candlelight services on Christmas Eve. It is one of my most favorite 'traditions' that I love to do with my little family!
We were ready for some food and opening Christmas presents at Gran's once Church was over!! By the time we got home...two little girls were tired and ready to go to sleep so Santa can come! Merry Christmas Eve!!! :)

Ella Jingle's last day with us! :(   She threw a celebration! :) She had balloons and gifts for all of us!!
Alexis and Lily loved their Christmas blankets from Ella Jingle!
Getting ready for the Christmas Eve festivities!
My little family at the Candlelight service! :)
Gifts galore at Grans!!
Nannie and Hogan opening the gifts from us!
Ben worked hard to put together the stroller and swing! :)
This picture CRACKS me up!! Alexis is telling Lily that Lily is the Mommy and she {Alexis} is the babysitter!
So Lily was suppose to hand over the baby doll to Alexis since she was the 'babysitter'...that didnt happen! Lily said no! :)
Got home just in time to put cookies and milk out for Santa! :)

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