Thursday, August 31, 2017

What's been going on!

We have been moving smoothly with our new normal of this new school year and all the fun in between!

We are knocking out homework, tests, IXL, dance, cheer, gymnastics, games, Church and all the thousand other things like a champ!

To think of how we have a ton packed into a week can be over whelming at times and because of that it makes me more thankful that it is all running well so far and makes me love weekends a lot more to have some chill time too!

So, what's been going on this week that really stands out?

Houston, Texas was hit this week by hurricane Harvey and to see all the devastation there breaks my heart! Praying hard for them!

I just cant even imagine! To get a years worth of rain all in pretty much a couple of days is just crazy to me! Wow!
Did this lady ever really think that there would need to be a jet ski to get her out of her home!?!?!
We have only gotten a little bit of rain {thank goodness} during all of this. Just wow!
All the College's are completing their Sorority Rush week this week and one of my sorority sisters posted this throwback the other day on Facebook! Do you spy me?! Front row second on the left! :)
WOW!...I look like a baby! Sigma Kappa 2000 Pledge class! :)
No caption needed! :)
This picture cracks me up because when I read Alexis' shirt to Lily....she said 'Okay, yes, she is awesome'...ha.. so then I said 'Okay, Lily, point to her while she is holding her shirt.' And she looked at me like...Im not going that far now! :) :)
Today is Thursday-the color day! Today is wear white! I think Lily looks so beautiful in white! :) Happy Thursday to us! Tomorrow is Friday! Whoo hoo!...on top of a long weekend!! Whoo hoo!!
I have Moe's Spirit Night tonight for cheer and Alexis is sooo bummed that she cant go eat at Moes with me. She doesnt care about it being Spirit Night...she just wants to eat at Moes! So, I will be there all night while Daddy holds the fort down once the girls get home from dance. Then, this weekend will be Alexis and Lily's 1st Auburn football game! We are SO excited! Lots of fun coming up!

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Wordless Wednesday!

{The sunset at the Jacksonville High football game Friday night! It was breathtaking! This picture doesnt even do it justice!}

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Eagle pictures!

Yesterday we had cheer pictures...

and even though toward the end drops of rain came..

it was the 1st time that it wasnt scalding hot and just nice outside!

My sweat mustache didnt show up...thank goodness! :) :) :)

My beautiful Eagle cheerleader!
Horrible picture of me! My Summer tan is gone, Im hating my hair because it is in an 'in between' stage since I think {for right this minute} that I want to long, and Im making a weird face! ha! Great picture of Alexis though and because it has both of us in it together, I will forever treasure it! :)
She wanted this pose! :)
One of my favorites!
My most favorite!
These two being funny!..and having fun while waiting to do pictures!
The 4th graders! There are more...I just snapped this shot before they all got there! :)
Introducing the 2017 B-Team Cheerleaders!!
The best we could get since the photographer told us no more pictures because we had 'professional' cameras! What!?!! We have always been able to take pictures..but this guy was something else!

Saturday, August 26, 2017

It's GAME day!

Jamboree is in the books!

The season is underway!

Last year we about died with it being SO hot during Jamboree!

This year {thank goodness} was overcast and not as hot today!!

Our B-Team boys are going to be awesome again this year!

It is going to be a great season! I can not wait to watch those boys in high school and see them go all the way!

The girls did awesome today too! So proud of them!

Now, we are back home....fresh and clean and relaxing as we watch the Gamecocks play their 1st game of the season on ESPN! Go Gamecocks!!

My two girls ready to cheer on the Golden Eagles!
I love the shirts I picked out this year! Toooo cute!! {It is official..Lily has no bottom} :)
Silly girls!
Not sure what Alexis is doing with her 'high V' but this group is such a hardworking stunt group! Proud of them!
Love these girls like they are my own! :)
So excited! Great game..great weather...and great attitudes! Cant ask for much more!
Lily loves her sweet friend Jaycee! They were so excited to see each other!!
Yes, the person that made the shirts for me made one for Lily and she spelled her name wrong. BOO...but it is too cute not to still wear! :)
We ran some errands and went to Cracker Barrel before heading home. Lily and Daddy played some checkers  {their own version of checkers}...then Daddy had to get unstuck from the little rocking chair before we could head home! ha!

So much!


SO much football in one weekend!

It is that time!

Time for Fall and football and cooler crisp weather {hopefully} and pumpkins and so on and so on!

 I do LOVE Fall! :) :)

Lily had her very first 'color' day at school! Each Thursday they wear a different color! This day was yellow day! :)
Yesterday marked the girl's 1st pep rally of the season! TALK about SO excited about it! They came home so pumped to tell me allll about it!
My two little screaming Eagles!
So, after school...Alexis rode home with I picked these two up in the car rider line! They were bouncing off the walls excited about being with each other! We went to Sonic and got a 'fun' drink on the way home!
They played and played and played until we left to eat dinner at Baja before heading to the 1st JHS football game!
These two have SO much energy....and SOOOO much energy together! Whew! :)
We spotted two of our most favorite 'big' cheerleaders as Lily called them! You should have seen the proud looks on their faces to be known as the 'big cheerleaders!' Alexis J and Jordan soaked it up!
Then Alexis suckered me...and gave me a pity party that she couldnt sit down until she sold all of her programs. So, I bought one to save her! :)
THEN..she tried to get me to buy two! That girl!! :)
So, see this picture?!?!
When we came down the hill and around the corner...I saw these three dart into the bathroom {that is directly behind them in this picture}
Well, little did Alexis know........... I have eyes....
and I can see....
and it didnt help that the 4 gallons of hot pink lipstick shined very brightly...
She darted into the bathroom to scrub off the caked on lipstick before I could see it.
I did!
And....let me put it this way...
She will never go somewhere again if she looks like she did!
She will sit at home!
So, I think she learned her lesson!
Nice try on trying to rub it off before I saw it.
But, I think she will remember next time, that nothing can get past Mommy!! :) :)
{P.S. it was seriously she looked like a 9 year old street walker! Leyla, Caroline's Mom, didnt know that they grabbed Caroline's older sister's lipstick because {only Alexis} put it on while walking around at the game!} OH me! :)
Let the fun begin! There was a huge turn-out for the game! Seeing the Victory line is always one of my favorites! The band at half-time did awesome too! The Eagles came up short on their 1st game of the season...but they looked great so I'm sure it is going to be a great year!
AHHH!!! Friday night lights! LOVE! :)

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Monday, August 21, 2017

Where were you during the Solar eclipse?!

Today marked a HUGE day in history!

Today was the 1st Solar Eclipse that the USA has been able to be see since 1979.

There will not be another full/total Solar Eclipse that is able to be viewed from the US until the year 2045!



Where will I be?

I will be 63 years old! WOW!!!

How cool is that!?!?!

Alexis will be 37!! Lily will be 34!

WOW! :) :)

So, what were we up to today as history was made?! Well, let's take a glance! :)

So, today marked the 'official' day of Summer being over for me and the 'official' day of no longer having only a 4 day work week. The JSU students start back Wednesday, but BOY was I slammed today with meetings galore and gearing up for them to be back! Tyler had his schedule 'back to normal' today from his Summer schedule too! So, there was a lot that went on today for us!
These two were up bright and earlier than normal...dressed and SO excited about seeing the Solar eclipse!
This is Lily's excited face! :)
Practicing looking at the eclipse! :)
JSU put on a HUGE event and there was a huge turn-out! It was fun to see everyone out and excited about the eclipse! They had bouncy houses and everything!
A big crowd! Tyler said that he wore a welder's mask to watch it and that he came down to this for a little bit and that a guy was dressed as a clown watching it! He totally just wanted to try and get on TV if you ask me!
My co-workers and I tried several different options to view the eclipse! It all cracked me up! Jennifer {aka Jacker} won my vote for the funniest! She had this box...and it made no sense to me how she thought that we could see it! Tricia was skeptical too! bahaha!
These ladies had the best idea. Since they didnt have glasses....they did this! It was neat to see with a little hole and the shadows...that they could see it!
See! This is what it actually looked like once we looked through the glasses! So neat!
Meanwhile, Alexis was doing this with her sweet friends at school! Izzy and Lex enjoying the eclipse!
I love that my sweet teacher and counselor friends send me pictures! I love this! She was SO worried about her 'eyes having to be removed' because of the eclipse so I am so glad that she wore her glasses and saw it!!
And...then glasses came...and we SAW it! I have to say, I was slightly disappointed because it only got a little cloudy/dark...and not completely dark like we all were thinking...but it was still really fun seeing it and watching all the anticipation!!
Look at it through the glasses! So neat!
And meanwhile....Mr. BIG time...Blakester, all the way in California enjoying the eclipse with his co-workers! Arent they looking all snazzy!
Richard, Ben, Gran and Aunt Pam headed to Tennessee to see it since that is where you could see it the most. Gran's pictures of how dark it got was really cool! They had the best view of it!
Meg all the way in Birmingham enjoying it too!
The girls came home sooo excited to tell us all about it! Lily was SO excited about her art project that she did of it! She wanted me to take a picture of her holding it! :)
And so it begins! Our routine is back. Coming home...getting dinner ready as they get started and work on homework!
Lily had her very 1st homework assignment today! She had to count all the forks...and then all the spoons and write down which was the most! She is counting as I took this picture! :)
So, where were you on this day in history!?!? :) :)
I thought this was soooo hilarious! Facebook has been sooo funny with everyone's comments and how they have gone crazy with thinking their eyes are going to fall out, and so on and so on! I thought this, that a friend posted, was soooo funny!!