Thursday, August 10, 2017

The BIG cheese ~n~ dance!

Two big events happened today!

Alexis rode the cheese wagon for the 1st time today!

Lily was out of school today and hanging with Daddy so she was sad that she didnt get to ride but Alexis asked to ride today to school and she said she loved it when I picked her up today!

I have to say...

I loved it too that she rode! I got an extra 45 minutes of getting to be at home since I didnt have to battle the morning car rider line!! for the both of us!

The first day of school, we waited around and met Mr. Woody, the bus driver, so he would know us and I let him know that they wouldnt be riding all the time but some days he would see them out waiting on him!

Well, the very next day, Alexis asked to ride so I bet he was a little surprised to see her standing out there...and minus one since Lily didnt have school today!

I dont mind them riding the bus because I have a feeling the 'new' and 'fun' part of it will wear off sooner than later, but since it is only our neighborhood kids that ride it, makes it better too! Alexis said she loved seeing all of her friends from the neighborhood on the bus! I also love the fact that once Mr. Woody picks up the 10 or so kiddos from our neighborhood, he heads straight to the school for drop-off!

So, Lily said that she wanted to ride it tomorrow and Alexis too, so stay tuned for Lily on the bus! :)

Today also marked dance classes starting back!

My girls were so excited to get back in the groove of their dance classes!

I love that their classes get done sooner this year so they wont be getting home so late to do bath, etc! :)

On the 2nd day of school....she waited for the bus to come pick her up! :)
My grown-up 4th grader!
And off she went! :)
My two tiny dancers excited for the new dance season to start!

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