Saturday, August 19, 2017

These little toes!

Lily's little toes worked hard today!

Daddy decided to get her outside and teach her to ride her bike without her training wheels today!

She tried her hardest....and is on her way!....

when she would actually pedal!

Not sure what her deal was today but she would take off really good {once Tyler let go of her} but then all of a sudden just stop pedaling and fall over! ha!

So, she didnt master it today....but hopefully the next time she will! :)

Alexis had bragging rights the rest of the day because she actually caught on and was riding around everywhere and in circles the first time Daddy took her out. It really was impressive!...I have to say!

We were out and about today just enjoying our last weekend before cheer and football take up the rest of our weekends! :)
We checked out some yard sales and then decided to go up to Look out Mountain to enjoy the view!
Talk about so pretty...right in our little hometown!
And....then....Lily did this! Well....she tried this! was HOT...and WHEW, it was work! ha! Lily said that she worked the hardest because she was the one that had to pedal...and wear a 'metal' helmet! bahaha! Tyler quickly informed her that 1. He did the most work because he pushed her the most and 2. Her helmet isnt metal! hahaha!
Back and forth...and back and forth..trying and trying..and pedaling and pedaling!
Working it!
This was the case about 98% of the time! :) She would get going sooooo good...and then just stop pedaling! We have no idea why she kept doing that...but sure enough, once she stopped, she would fall over. Then she would get back up, Tyler tell her to just keep pedaling...and then, yep, she would fall over again.
This picture makes me laugh because she was falling over as I took it! :)
And...she just scooted along the whole time! ha!
See Alexis in the background of the picture?! She went around and around as Tyler and I sweated to death trying to help Lily! :)
When she would actually pedal..............she could do it! Look at her go!
She took off by herself a little bit! She wasnt scared, though, which I was thankful for! At one point she told us 'I still believe in myself so I am going to keep trying!' My heart exploded! She will get it soon! Next time we go and work on it...we are going at night or when it is colder! :)
We went to Sonic and got a 'fun' drink after since we were all so hot! Well.........I started to smell something {and Tyler did too} that smelled REALLY bad! Yeah...she had her feet up by my chair like this on purpose {because she wanted me to smell her yucky smelling feet and wanted them to be by my face!} so Tyler and I gagged before he rolled the windows down! :) :) :)
For her to have such cute...little toes...

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