Saturday, August 26, 2017

It's GAME day!

Jamboree is in the books!

The season is underway!

Last year we about died with it being SO hot during Jamboree!

This year {thank goodness} was overcast and not as hot today!!

Our B-Team boys are going to be awesome again this year!

It is going to be a great season! I can not wait to watch those boys in high school and see them go all the way!

The girls did awesome today too! So proud of them!

Now, we are back home....fresh and clean and relaxing as we watch the Gamecocks play their 1st game of the season on ESPN! Go Gamecocks!!

My two girls ready to cheer on the Golden Eagles!
I love the shirts I picked out this year! Toooo cute!! {It is official..Lily has no bottom} :)
Silly girls!
Not sure what Alexis is doing with her 'high V' but this group is such a hardworking stunt group! Proud of them!
Love these girls like they are my own! :)
So excited! Great game..great weather...and great attitudes! Cant ask for much more!
Lily loves her sweet friend Jaycee! They were so excited to see each other!!
Yes, the person that made the shirts for me made one for Lily and she spelled her name wrong. BOO...but it is too cute not to still wear! :)
We ran some errands and went to Cracker Barrel before heading home. Lily and Daddy played some checkers  {their own version of checkers}...then Daddy had to get unstuck from the little rocking chair before we could head home! ha!

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