Sunday, August 13, 2017

A baby shower and old school Mickey!

We had the annual 'Reese/Morris' family cook-out Saturday at Pam's and we combined it into a baby shower for Brittney too!

We had a lot of family around and it was good to see everyone! It was a beautiful day on the lake and not to mention...a TON of food!

I didnt get many pictures but I got these shots because Alexis wanted me to take a picture of her doing a cartwheel! :) Not sure if you can see the little head by the deck..but that is Layne {a little boy of a friend of Mitchell and Brittney's} and he and my girls swam and swam and floated while we were there!
She busted it right after this picture! :)
Richard swam too and Lily called him her 'water horsey' and 'rode' around on him! ha!
All the kids lined up right by the gifts like it was Christmas and all the gifts were theirs! Bahaha!...they lost interest after about 15 minutes of realizing it was all just baby stuff! They were off playing hide-n-seek! :)
The 'Mommy and Daddy' to be opening all the gifts! Baby Kennedy will be here soon!
Today at Church these little sweet ones learned about God creating the Heavens and the Earth by doing a craft! They made 'rain' and other fun things! They had a blast!
After Church we ran some errands before lunch and cheer practice. Alexis needed to carry her baby shopping too!
When we got home Daddy told them about how old Mickey is and about kids in the 'old' days had to watch Mickey, etc, at the movie theater or listen to the shows on the radio. So, before we left for cheer, they curled up in Lex's room watching 'old Mickey' cartoons on the IPAD! :)

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