Thursday, August 17, 2017

3 things!

It is that fun time again to do a '3 things' post! I love these, and havent done it in awhile, so I thought it was time to!

1. Oh Lily these days! She is growing like a weed! I mean seriously shooting up! Her feet have seriously grown 2 sizes over the summer! She is gaining on Alexis quickly! :)
2. She can tie her shoes in a flash now! She is a complete pro! She is such a determined little girl that anything she sets her mind to...she will work..and work and work and conquer! Another example, she is really into Legos these days. She will sit for awhile and put them together and then take them apart and restructure it to make or create something else! :)
3. She LOVES doing homework! She doesnt have homework yet but when I give her a math sheet {with a ton of addition problems, for example} she considers it her 'homework' and she is just so proud to do it! She will get Alexis' IPAD and say she is doing her 'homework' on it. She will cut it on and do the math apps or time apps or language apps to get her 'homework' done! :) {I hope this continues to be the case when her 'homework' becomes real!} :)


1. Oh Alexis! She loves all things pink and glittery and fun! She is constantly drawing and coloring and making smiley faces on her notebook papers and writing her name in bubble letters! She has hearts written in every corner of everything too!
2.She is such a great big sister! Now...yes, she can pester Lily and shove her on occasion, but overall she loves her little sister and is always looking out for her and helping her. It is great to see and makes my heart smile!
3. She has become SO good at painting her nails! She loves to ask me to pick out a color and then she will sit in my bathroom floor and perfectly paint both her finger and toenails! She is such a perfectionist, by the way, so they look as good as if she went and paid to have them done! :)


1.See my hand in the picture above? That is ice. See Aubie in the picture above? That is him waiting on me to toss the ice! He is obsessed with me throwing him a little piece of ice! Every morning when I push the ice maker, to get ice out for the girl's water bottles, that is Aubie's cue to run as fast as he can and jump up in one of the chairs! The way he acts cracks me up! He jumps up and just freezes and has this face of 'Im ready!...Im ready!!' So, I will get a piece and hold it up and he immediately follows my hand back and forth! When I toss it, he takes off! He chases it and slides it back and forth in his paws..and through the kitchen chair legs and just loves his little piece of ice! :)
2.He LOVES to climb right on top of my fresh and warm...and clean clothes! Every.single.time. I get a load of laundry out of the dryer, he immediately comes over to it and climbs right on top! With it being clean, I have to drag him off! He then will try his BEST to lay on a pants leg or shirt arm...something that is closest, and sticking out, to curl up on! :)
3.He is a tail chaser! It is so cute to see him bounce around in circles chasing it! The girls just think it is so hilarious to watch! 

So, that is 3 things lately! :) I dont have much updates on Tyler, mine....or Tickles for 3 things! ha! We are in our normal regular groove still! ha! I have my last 'off' day for the summer because school officially starts back Monday and Tyler has to go back to his regular schedule too. So, boo on that! ha! And, Tickles, well....she is still being just as awesome as the day she magically decided to join our family! :)

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