Saturday, August 26, 2017

So much!


SO much football in one weekend!

It is that time!

Time for Fall and football and cooler crisp weather {hopefully} and pumpkins and so on and so on!

 I do LOVE Fall! :) :)

Lily had her very first 'color' day at school! Each Thursday they wear a different color! This day was yellow day! :)
Yesterday marked the girl's 1st pep rally of the season! TALK about SO excited about it! They came home so pumped to tell me allll about it!
My two little screaming Eagles!
So, after school...Alexis rode home with I picked these two up in the car rider line! They were bouncing off the walls excited about being with each other! We went to Sonic and got a 'fun' drink on the way home!
They played and played and played until we left to eat dinner at Baja before heading to the 1st JHS football game!
These two have SO much energy....and SOOOO much energy together! Whew! :)
We spotted two of our most favorite 'big' cheerleaders as Lily called them! You should have seen the proud looks on their faces to be known as the 'big cheerleaders!' Alexis J and Jordan soaked it up!
Then Alexis suckered me...and gave me a pity party that she couldnt sit down until she sold all of her programs. So, I bought one to save her! :)
THEN..she tried to get me to buy two! That girl!! :)
So, see this picture?!?!
When we came down the hill and around the corner...I saw these three dart into the bathroom {that is directly behind them in this picture}
Well, little did Alexis know........... I have eyes....
and I can see....
and it didnt help that the 4 gallons of hot pink lipstick shined very brightly...
She darted into the bathroom to scrub off the caked on lipstick before I could see it.
I did!
And....let me put it this way...
She will never go somewhere again if she looks like she did!
She will sit at home!
So, I think she learned her lesson!
Nice try on trying to rub it off before I saw it.
But, I think she will remember next time, that nothing can get past Mommy!! :) :)
{P.S. it was seriously she looked like a 9 year old street walker! Leyla, Caroline's Mom, didnt know that they grabbed Caroline's older sister's lipstick because {only Alexis} put it on while walking around at the game!} OH me! :)
Let the fun begin! There was a huge turn-out for the game! Seeing the Victory line is always one of my favorites! The band at half-time did awesome too! The Eagles came up short on their 1st game of the season...but they looked great so I'm sure it is going to be a great year!
AHHH!!! Friday night lights! LOVE! :)

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