Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Eagle pictures!

Yesterday we had cheer pictures...

and even though toward the end drops of rain came..

it was the 1st time that it wasnt scalding hot and just nice outside!

My sweat mustache didnt show up...thank goodness! :) :) :)

My beautiful Eagle cheerleader!
Horrible picture of me! My Summer tan is gone, Im hating my hair because it is in an 'in between' stage since I think {for right this minute} that I want to long, and Im making a weird face! ha! Great picture of Alexis though and because it has both of us in it together, I will forever treasure it! :)
She wanted this pose! :)
One of my favorites!
My most favorite!
These two being funny!..and having fun while waiting to do pictures!
The 4th graders! There are more...I just snapped this shot before they all got there! :)
Introducing the 2017 B-Team Cheerleaders!!
The best we could get since the photographer told us no more pictures because we had 'professional' cameras! What!?!! We have always been able to take pictures..but this guy was something else!

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