Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Here's to a bright new school year!

The day has come!

It is here!

Both girls set out for their 1st day of school today!

They both came home telling their Daddy and I what a GREAT day they had!

I am so glad!

Ahhh!!! Kindergarten and they come!
Set out and let your wings soar sweet girl!
She is set and will conquer 4th! So proud of her determination, drive and heart for working hard to do her best!
They were off to school!
Kindergarten isnt going to know what hit them! She is coming through and I cant wait to see her grow and learn!!
Love her!
These two need to slow down growing up!
So, this happened! My only picture! I brought our 'good' camera with me and all intentions on parking and walking them in...and snapping more pictures as they entered their rooms, etc. Well, as we were in the car rider line.... Lily {informed me 1st} said that she didnt 'need' me to walk her in, that I could just drop her off! WHAT?!?!?! I said...'I need to walk you in...and I need to see Mrs. Green {the counselor because I really did need to give her something} so I'll just go in with you!' Then Alexis piped up and said 'Mommy, you can see Mrs. Green in the car rider line and talk to her and give her what you need so you dont have to walk us in...we are good and can do it by ourselves!'
Well, so.....that they did!
I am thankful and happy that my girls are comfortable and feel loved enough at school that they are just fine to do things without me and dont 'need' me as much! I pray and hope that they have the best year yet! My prayer of them having the best 1st day was answered so Im hoping the best year yet will too! :)
IT was a WIN with House of Chen for dinner to celebrate the great 1st day of school being conquered!! Notice the 'beads' beside Tyler.....they requested the waitress to please have us sit in a 'bead' table! haha! Lily was in mid-sentence telling me 'two thumbs up' for her 1st day of school as I took the picture!
My biggest little girl was excited to celebrate her great day too!
Daddy and Lily get to have a 'Daddy and Lily day' since she doesnt go to school tomorrow so Alexis and I have to go to school and work! But, the one in this picture is looking forward to having another fun day tomorrow!

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