Friday, August 11, 2017

First week down!

Though they didnt go an actual 'full' week, we have made it through!

They both have had a great week and have loved getting back into the groove!

This morning marked Lily riding the bus for the 1st time!

She was ALL smiles waiting for it. She got frustrated because she {and her exact words were} 'Mommy, I should get to ride the bus all by myself today, without Alexis, because she rode it by herself yesterday!'

I had to quickly inform her that Alexis did it ONLY because she didnt have school...and that NO way was she going to ride by herself because she is only in Kindergarten.

She didnt like that answer very much, but...sorry! :)

These two are ready to conquer the last school day of the week!
It was soooo sweet! Tickles stayed down with them...and apparently they all had some 'girl' talk while they waited for the bus! :)
Tickles gave them both leg hugs when the bus started approaching!
And then right at this point...she took off running! haha!
I hate this picture is blurry...but there they go!
Bye girls! :) I found things to do with my time before I had to go to work. Somehow chores just always end up on that list. I need to start making it a point to do other things besides housework if they keep wanting to ride the bus some!! did we celebrate the end of the 1st week down!?! By having a 'Cocky' soccer game night! Gamecocks played UAB and there was an awesome crowd and it was a fun game! When we left..UAB was up by 1. Hopefully JSU will pull it out!
These two loves Cocky...and loved playing with their soccer balls, running around...and playing with sweet baby girl, Collins, really more than watching the game!
It was a perfect afternoon to enjoy and be outside!
And...this little thing smiled at me! If you know know that it is hard to get her to smile..and even harder to get her away from her Mommy! Well tonight....I got her to do both! She actually wanted me to hold her and said 'bye' to her Mommy when I asked her if she wanted to go home with me! MADE my day! ha! I am excited that they are moving a street over from us in the next month or so! So excited!! :)

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