Friday, August 18, 2017

Never eat soggy worms!

Well, the 1st week is in the books!

Two girls have done awesome in the first full week of Kindergarten and fourth grade!

We are tired...we are glad it is the weekend...but thankful that we are all smiles thus far! :)

These two....are something else! :) Proud of them and their hard work this week!
A little glimpse into the 1st week of school! Never Eat Soggy Worms! Alexis is learning about hemispheres, the Prime Meridian, etc in History class. So, she drew this 'Globe' since that was one of her words that she is learning too.
So, we are sitting there going over it all...and the next thing I know... I hear, 'Mommy, never eat soggy worms!'
I was like 'What in the world are you talking about?!?'...and she pointed to N, E, S,W! Well, I informed her that I have never heard of the saying 'Never Eat Soggy Worms' as a way to help remember North, East, South,West. I told her that the saying for me to learn it was 'Never Eat Shredded Wheat'
She looked at me with the most 'OH MY goodness' look...and said 'Well, Mommy, you are old so that saying was in the old days, we dont use that saying anymore!'
Talk about making me feel really old! :) :)
Another HUGE topic that has been going on the 1st week of school is this! The Solar Eclipse viewing! The last Solar Eclipse was in 1979! It is a HUGE deal...and ALL, and I mean ALL, the TV News, etc, have been talking all about how this is a big deal and how it only happens once in a lifetime sometimes, etc. How you can NOT look at the eclipse without special glasses or it will hurt your eyes and so on and so on and so on!
There are people saying they are not daring to look at it because they dont want to go blind...there are people saying they cant believe everyone wants to look at it. Some people are worried about their pets...and if they will go blind because they are outside. There has been some ridiculous discussions lately!
So, Alexis and Lily brought this permission form home and the only way they can take the break to go out and see the eclipse is for me to sign it.
Well, Lily came home and got her form out of her book bag and told me to throw it away as she was handing it to me!
I asked her why?!?!! and she said, 'Mommy, I do not want to have to have my eyes removed because of an eclipse, so dont sign mine...just throw it away!'
She is my child that really knows what is going on and really understands and listens to things so she had heard all the 'craziness' that has been sparked and decided she didnt want to have her eyes removed! :) :)
I had a talk with her and helped her understand...and signed the form!
We shall see if she actually decides to go out and watch it on Monday! :)
And...THIS! Lily's 1st week of Kindergarten! All smiles! WHOOO HOO!!! :) :) :)

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