Thursday, August 3, 2017

Working it until school starts!

Us girls have spent the day gearing up for school and knocking out a 'little of this'...and 'a little of that' today!

I am going to miss having to work only 4 days a week once JSU students are back in session!

I have sooo enjoyed it this summer!

So, yes, it is official, this week is done...really, it is. Tomorrow is Friday, we have this one last weekend coming up...and that's it. School starts back. Back to the groove!

The girls are super excited about school starting...

Alexis said she could do without math being involved with school...but excited about everything else!

So, we are ready for it but still sad to see summer go!

We are still trying to make the days of Summer count! The grill smell helps to make that possible! YUM!
Today was my off day so us girls enjoyed running around town and Oxford getting last minute things for school and back to school clothes! We got some deals! :) They chose Zaxby's for lunch!
This chick is too cool for school! :)
We got home..just in time to do some cleaning! I 'rejuvenated' our hardwoods while they....folded towels... :)
Notice the 'tent'/'fort' is back. They both requested it again {since it was sooo cool to do when Lily had friends over} to sleep under. They slept in the play-room last night under it and wanted to keep it up today to watch a movie under it! :)
Doing some vacuuming! Hey, start them early is my 'moto!' :)
Lily helped with other chores and one included windexing the mirrors!
When they were all done with their duties....I went in to check on them...and I swear...Lily and Aubie are giving me the SAME look! Bahaha! The look of.............why are you bothering us, we are tired and resting! :) :) :)
The girls picked out some 'fun' soap at Bath and Body Works for their teachers. They cant wait to give it to them on the 1st day of school! I made these cute little cards that say 'Here's to a 'scent' sational school year!' Lily also made Mrs. Bean a note {that has her face on it!} :) :) and put it in the envelope pictured with a 'bean' on it................for Mrs. Bean {she said!} :)
Alexis is headed this afternoon to have a spend the night party with Chloe, Imani and Adalee while the rest of the Law crew just has a lazy movie night at home! :) :)

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