Monday, August 21, 2017

Where were you during the Solar eclipse?!

Today marked a HUGE day in history!

Today was the 1st Solar Eclipse that the USA has been able to be see since 1979.

There will not be another full/total Solar Eclipse that is able to be viewed from the US until the year 2045!



Where will I be?

I will be 63 years old! WOW!!!

How cool is that!?!?!

Alexis will be 37!! Lily will be 34!

WOW! :) :)

So, what were we up to today as history was made?! Well, let's take a glance! :)

So, today marked the 'official' day of Summer being over for me and the 'official' day of no longer having only a 4 day work week. The JSU students start back Wednesday, but BOY was I slammed today with meetings galore and gearing up for them to be back! Tyler had his schedule 'back to normal' today from his Summer schedule too! So, there was a lot that went on today for us!
These two were up bright and earlier than normal...dressed and SO excited about seeing the Solar eclipse!
This is Lily's excited face! :)
Practicing looking at the eclipse! :)
JSU put on a HUGE event and there was a huge turn-out! It was fun to see everyone out and excited about the eclipse! They had bouncy houses and everything!
A big crowd! Tyler said that he wore a welder's mask to watch it and that he came down to this for a little bit and that a guy was dressed as a clown watching it! He totally just wanted to try and get on TV if you ask me!
My co-workers and I tried several different options to view the eclipse! It all cracked me up! Jennifer {aka Jacker} won my vote for the funniest! She had this box...and it made no sense to me how she thought that we could see it! Tricia was skeptical too! bahaha!
These ladies had the best idea. Since they didnt have glasses....they did this! It was neat to see with a little hole and the shadows...that they could see it!
See! This is what it actually looked like once we looked through the glasses! So neat!
Meanwhile, Alexis was doing this with her sweet friends at school! Izzy and Lex enjoying the eclipse!
I love that my sweet teacher and counselor friends send me pictures! I love this! She was SO worried about her 'eyes having to be removed' because of the eclipse so I am so glad that she wore her glasses and saw it!!
And...then glasses came...and we SAW it! I have to say, I was slightly disappointed because it only got a little cloudy/dark...and not completely dark like we all were thinking...but it was still really fun seeing it and watching all the anticipation!!
Look at it through the glasses! So neat!
And meanwhile....Mr. BIG time...Blakester, all the way in California enjoying the eclipse with his co-workers! Arent they looking all snazzy!
Richard, Ben, Gran and Aunt Pam headed to Tennessee to see it since that is where you could see it the most. Gran's pictures of how dark it got was really cool! They had the best view of it!
Meg all the way in Birmingham enjoying it too!
The girls came home sooo excited to tell us all about it! Lily was SO excited about her art project that she did of it! She wanted me to take a picture of her holding it! :)
And so it begins! Our routine is back. Coming home...getting dinner ready as they get started and work on homework!
Lily had her very 1st homework assignment today! She had to count all the forks...and then all the spoons and write down which was the most! She is counting as I took this picture! :)
So, where were you on this day in history!?!? :) :)
I thought this was soooo hilarious! Facebook has been sooo funny with everyone's comments and how they have gone crazy with thinking their eyes are going to fall out, and so on and so on! I thought this, that a friend posted, was soooo funny!!

1 comment:

  1. I had to work on the solar eclipse. But, we all went outside with our glasses at the appointed time. Here in Portland we had a 98% blackout. What struck me the most was the drop in temperature and wind. It was spooky. My wife was with the kids (adults, now) and they saw the 100% blackout. Pretty awesome.
