Sunday, July 1, 2018


We had a nice and low key weekend to kick off the 1st days of July!

We had fun in the sun, pool time and fireworks all in one weekend!

Sweet Jackson had his 5th birthday party at the Piedmont pool and BOY were the girls SO excited!
Church girls ready to learn more about God! :)
Sweet Madelyn came over and played this afternoon...and OF course they played with the slime that I havent thrown away yet, that Carli got Alexis for her birthday! :) :)
They had the best time playing with each other before heading to Hillcrest to watch the fireworks!
Guess who we saw working hard!?! Pawpaw!
Sweet new friends! I have a feeling this little friendship is going to grow and grow!
See...they had such a fun time together!
Then Madelyn's family met us and us adults sat and talked and the girls played while we waited on them to start.
These four were sooo pumped to ride the school bus back to our cars! ha! Such a fun night!

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