Sunday, July 29, 2018

Life lately!

We have been soaking up the last days of Summer and just in disbelief that Summer is almost over!

The girls had Camp Rock at Hillcrest Monday-Wednesday and had a blast! It was a nice little change for them even though they have been loving the Community Center! They have had alot of fun this Summer which makes my heart melt since I cant be out with them.
This one has been loving that Daddy set up the sprinkler so she can 'jump and swim' per her! bahaha!
They both love this! :)
Yesterday we loaded up and did some errands and had just a nice low key Saturday! It was a beautiful day and a perfect way to kick off the weekend!
Lily had her baby READY to go! So cute! :)
This chick is just way too grown and cool for school!
Lily made sure to have her baby buckled in and safe before we left! :)
We got Lily a nice...and really 'big girl' bike {per her} that has hand brakes and SHE is in LOVE! She has rode and rode it! What crackes me up is that she had to wear her gloves to help her go fast and ride her bike! :)
She got a new helmet and its her favorite!
Can you see the two specks of girls riding and enjoying their Saturday!?! I do! :) :)
Love! Perfection of a Saturday!

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