Monday, July 30, 2018

The wait is finally over!

They thought they would be getting their teacher's name in the mail on Saturday....but...

it came TODAY!

And BOY were they ready to find out who their teacher is and find out what friends are in their class!

OH happy day for them!

Lily was a little bummed, she was hoping for Mrs. Royster {for some reason all Summer she kept saying...she wanted Abby Grace's teacher, Mrs. Royster! I honestly dont think she really knows her but just knows that Abby had her so I think that is the main reason}.

She got Mrs. Ramsay, though, and we are excited about that too! Mrs. Ramsay goes to our Church and is a super sweet lady who even helps out in Lily's childrens area so Lily knows her really well already! {And she knows Lily really well, too, which is a good thing to know her personality already!} :) :)

Alexis BUSTED out screaming {at Sonic....with the windows down} when I gave her the letter because she was SO excited about getting Mrs. Ashley Smith for homeroom. BOY, she loves Mrs. Smith...and I do too so Im excited she got the teacher she was hoping for! I was a little worried that someone was going to call 911 on me for child abuse or something when she started screaming with excitement. OH me! :)

Alexis and Lily, both, have a few good friends in their class so they are excited to start school and have a great year!

We celebrated the good news with a fun drink from Sonic before taking Alexis to danceline practice....and dropping dinner off to a sweet family in our Sunday school class that just had a new precious baby boy named Luke!

Today was a great day................or....per the girls, best day ever! :)

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