Tuesday, July 31, 2018

She cant believe it! NO more braces!

We went for her orthodontist appointment today...

I was thinking that it was taking longer than usual....

as she came running out to me...with a HUGE grin on her face NOT showing her teeth..

I had my suspicions!

Then she came up to me and opened her mouth so big and happy and said 'LOOK...I had NO idea I was getting them off today!'

She was one happy and shocked girl!

Now...she still has a long road as this is just round 1.....BUT her teeth look SO good and she is sooo excited about it!

Her very first official doctor picture! LOOK at the difference! Wow!
 Her 1st official picture with braces!
 And....look how much she has changed! :)
I hope round 2 goes as well as this round. I have a feeling it will just because she is used to how it is with braces, etc...so when she gets both top and bottom on....hopefully it will be a breeze!
 She did this...................the rest of the afternoon! :) :)

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