Saturday, July 14, 2018

Danceline round-up and full Grey day!

Im late posting but yesterday ended Alexis' camp for the week.

She had a long week of camp but said she loved it all!

I was off yesterday so the girls and I did some shopping and lunch before dropping Alexis off! I had a surprise little visitor come over since his daycare was without power. I so enjoyed him while he was with us for a couple of hours! Grey is growing so fast!

I tried on some fun sunglasses. Alexis wanted me to take a picture of myself because she said they looked great on me. I think she really just wanted to photo bomb the picture! :) {Sidenote, I did not get the sunglasses..they look too big on my head!} :)
The dance group! They all got these cute key put on their backpacks...since school will be starting soon!
This sweet sweet sweet baby! He is so adorable and just watches and coos and was just the happiest and most content little thing while I had him! He LOVES his Uncle Ty Ty {as I have named him for Grey :) He would just smile and smile at him over anybody!} His next most favorite was Lily! He watched her every move! {She is always ranked high with everyone!} :)
I got him the little crab outfit and it looked SO adorable on him! The sweetest!
Alexis and Lily headed over to Lily {'big' Lily's} house for her pool/spend the night birthday party! They had a BLAST! Lily played with Hope and then came home while Lex stayed for the spend the night part. BOY was Alexis cranky and tired today! Whew...good thing her and Lily went with Gran to see Hotel Transylvania 3 today because she was in a mood. Needless to say...she went to bed early and slept well!

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