Sunday, July 8, 2018

Laid back!

Since getting home Thursday from Auburn, we have been very low key since!

Perfection! :)

We stayed home all day yesterday and today with the exceptions of lunch and Church. We have lounged around and just enjoyed being home!

Lily {big Lily as she is called} came over to 'hang out' we loaded up for a quick lunch to Cecil's before heading back home and just relaxing yesterday! They all had a blast, as usual, playing and most importantly {per Alexis} Lily teaching her how to play card games! Alexis has never really played any type of card games {besides Old Maid} so she had so much fun playing!
These three wanted to sit in a boot by themselves!...............well fine then! :)
And today....this one looked so beautiful and GROWN that I just had to take a picture! She is growing up way tooooo fast! And...Im so jealous of her little tan too!
When we got home from Church, we lounged more...and these two snacked on a popsicle before we all headed to Nan and Pawpaw's Church since their VBS started today!
These two are super excited for Hillcrest's VBS this week!
And...they were really excited to eat a popsicle today too! haha! :)

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