Monday, July 23, 2018

Our day!

Today was our day!

Today marked lucky number 13 for how long Tyler and I have been married!

WOW!...time has flown!

We have been through so much in our 13 years. Both good and bad as we have moved along but as each year rolls, I feel like no matter the good or bad, we both realize that we are not going anywhere and that we love and value each other more!

Here's to 13.....and 60 more!

We had a great day today....just the two of us!

We started the morning off with a long bike ride from our house and over to the trial. It was such a beautiful morning and setting for a ride! It was so peaceful and there was a perfect breeze as we rode!

Later on we got cleaned up and headed to Birmingham for some shopping. We have several fun spots that we always love to hit when we go to Birmingham so today we hit those! It has been awhile since we have done that...and it was a fun little 'flashback' that we did! We even went by our hold house. It was weird in a way to see it. We have been past it before since we moved, but every is just surreal to see it. It looked like our hold home...where we brought Alexis and Lily home to except the plants have really grown! ha!

We also tried out the new and FAST go-cart place called Autobahn indoor speed track! OH my they were SO fast! We had a great time racing! Of course...Tyler blew me out of the water! Then we capped the fabulous day off at one of our favorites...Chuck's Fish!

Perfect day!

This place was awesome! We had a blast!
These things go SO fast!
You can see the track. Literally...I never put the break on! I squealed tires...I spun...I was nervous a little..but it was so fast and fun! ha!
I had to wear this under my was odd to do! It didnt mess my hair up too bad though! :) :) cap off the great day...Chuck's Fish! OH YUM! This picture doesnt do it justice! I LOVE jumbo scallops....and no words! Soooooo good!

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