Tuesday, April 28, 2020

A COVID-19 birthday parade!

You know...my birthday really wasnt a big deal...

you know....when youre old...another year just makes you older! ha!


just think about allllll those birthdays that people are having....around the world...that are BIG!

Like BIG number 5!

Sweet 16?!?!

Happy 13th...youre a teenager!

So....those birthdays....it is just a sad and crazy time that those cant be spent the way they would be with big parties....tons of families and friends!

So yesterday we had a COVID-19 parade birthday for our sweet buddy Ford!

The new 'craze' these days are to have a drive-by birthday party since we are not allowed to gather with big crowds, etc and etc....


it was awesome!

I would say....he had a great birthday and though it wasnt like birthdays are done in the past...I think this one TOPPED them all!

Sweet Ford had NO idea and was just soooo surprised and happy to see all the cars and all the fun just for him!

We decorated our car! We were ready to parade!
The biker gang started the parade! They were sooooo adorable on the video Ashley did of them riding down the street!
Love the line of cars ready to go too! We were allll decorated, had music playing, signs, silly string, confetti poppers...you name it!
I took some pictures from the video so they are not good quality but to give a gist of the action! Lily ended up leading the parade because she had a sign on her bike! ha!
Tyler and I! haha! Tyler drove and I stuck my head out of my sunroof! Oh...boy...ha! I had a football that I threw to him that he loved that had happy birthday from us on it! :)
Even Jville Fire came!
And policeman Trey came! So.much.fun.
The 'bigs' biker gang finished off the parade and I would say...it was a success!  Such a sweet memory and to Ford...he can look back and say...during this crazy time, he turned 5! WOW! :)

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