Friday, April 24, 2020

A girl's day!


every day these days...

are girl's days!

Tyler has been a busy us 3 girls have literally been together 24/7....7 days a week...every single day...and night...and night...and day....for everyday....and so.....yeah....we have...

not had a break from each other!

To say that we have been around each other for soooo many days...straight...and we can all still smile and are 'okay'.....then I call that a BIG win! :)

Us three have really bonded and I have loved seeing the girl's bond grow more and more!

Now...dont get me wrong...we have had some days. Some days where we have not gotten along so well. We have been short with each other. The girl's have pushed my last little bit of sanity for the day. They have pushed each other's max a time or two or so....

but...I have to say....I am super proud of us 3 thus far! :)

We have done pretty well and for those days where they havent been our finest, we are all learning to adjust our attitudes and apologize and know that we are still in it with each other! ha! :)

So today was one of those great girl's day that we have had yet!

It was such a beautiful day so we took off to the trail for a great.....great bike ride! I....ditched work today....well you know....I paused it {super perk of working from home!}.....and off we went! It did help that our power went out....and Alabama Power told me it would be out for half a, yeah...that helped too! {Yeah...that was something around here!} :(

We chatted the entire time. We rode longer than what we had planned just because it was just so nice!
We stopped and picked flowers and smelled them....and Lily picked a TON of she ate some and put some in my basket to eat as we stopped for some water breaks. We just strolled and soaked in the day! It was perfection! The only little...tiny...hiccup we had was while we were riding back...Lily starts screaming and almost crying. I ride up to her and realize she has a bug that hit her eyeball! ha! was funny...but not funny...and she was fine and laughing too {at that point} so I got it out and her eye was we continued home! :) As we continued home...the rest of the way...Lily did keep saying...'Momma, I think it had babies! I think it had babies in my eye! Momma, it had babies!' {It was hilarious...she was laughing too...but pretty sure she really thought it had babies in her eye!} bahaha!
Alexis told me alllll about what color flowers...what kind of flowers she wants for her wedding. Then she told me the style of wedding dress she wants....what month she wants to get married in. We just all had the best little chats!
Looking at this face....before I know it, I will blink and this little flower bunch will actually be her bouquet and her bike helmet will be a wedding veil! OH my...time slow down!
We havent been to Turtle Lake in months so it was great to be back! It's one of my favorite spots!
Us 3!
After our great trip we headed back home and loaded up and headed to Dugger MTN fudge for the BEST little treat to cap off the great day!
Today was a day for the memory books!

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