Friday, April 10, 2020

The rest of the week!

So we have made it through our 1st week of virtual learning!

We survived! Whoop whoop! :)

We had Home Economics this week! Yeah...I didnt take that class in High school...maybe like I should have! Tyler did! He is a pro at all things Home Economics! He can sew...he can cook...he can do it all!
I will cook you a
ask me to bake something....
well.......this is how it pretty much turns out......................

NOT even kidding! :)

The girls love baking! We baked in our pjs this one morning!
We had it in our minds to make something homemade for Nan and her birthday...and a cinnamon 'bunny' bread..........
So...Alexis worked hard at the 'bunny' bread....
While Lily worked more on the homemade surprise for Nan...
The Oreo chocolate balls!..........
Well.............THIS is how the bunny ended up!............................
BOMB! ha!
This is the 'bunny!'
So.....yeah....I knew that plastic melts....and even Lily pointed that out to me as I was putting it in the oven...
BUT....didnt fully cross my mind because................why would I have a pan that I cant put in the oven?!!?!?! guess is...................NOW..............that they 'bunny' pan.............was maybe a jello mold............who knows!?!?!...............bahaha!...........I have NO didnt make the 'bunny' bread! :)

And...we put the Oreo balls into the fridge to 'harden' up.......
so...we all go in to have one to 'test' them out.........
and I have NO idea what happened....but they were us 3 wanted to THROW UP!
Lily wanted to play a prank on she brought him one to eat.........
She was dying laughing sooooo hard as he ate it and spit it out! ha! So...we didnt give them to Nan....
I have been getting sweet surprises from the bestest of friends during these quarantine times! I got this in the mail and all of us have enjoyed the fudge! YUM! :)
Gran surprised us with the girl's Easter baskets from her! It was good to see her and chat on the front porch before she left! The girls have loved their goodies.............and ALLLLL the candy! :)
And...we surprised Nan with a birthday poster...and cards...and a non-homemade coconut creme pie! :)
We sat out on the porch and did a drive-by! Oh..these are the days we are in! Making the best out of it for sure!
Got another sweet treat at our door from sweet friends...the Christophers telling us Happy Easter! Love our friends and dont know what we would do without them!

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