Friday, April 3, 2020

We are sheltered in place!


March 16th was the last day that we were 'normal.'

Since then we have literally done...............nothing!

No stores, no eating at a restaurant. Nothing!

I have gone to Wal-Mart a couple of times to get items that I have needed and of course to Lowe's to buy a new dryer..........but other than that. Not a thing!

And you know what...

it hasnt been that bad!

Thank the good Lord the weather.

If all of this was happening during the winter time with it being freezing and nasty outside.

I dont know how I would be!

OH MY! I would be insane!

The sunshine and sitting out on my back deck watching the girls jump and such a small blessing!

So today marked the day that Governor Ivey issued an official Shelter in Place order.

Though we have been dealing with the stores closing, restaurants, etc and etc...

to hear the Governor state the Shelter in Place order brought things to an even higher level of......WOW...this is just getting crazy!

We dont know when this is going to end. We dont know if our Summer is going to be ruined with beaches still being closed, etc...

it is just so unknown and just WOW!

So...on the day we got the Shelter in Place order.... we....

Had a sweeeeetttt surprise outside our door! My doorbell rung and this glorious sight was something that just made my day!
I have the sweetest friend that owns a Chick fila! :)
Just because I cant go to the office............doesnt mean we arent getting things done! I feel like I have seen my co-workers more since we have been working remotely than when we were on campus!
 And..welcome to my office! This will be my view for the next month or two at least. Sooo....yeah...welcome! have to stay 6 feet away from me while youre here! ha!

The problem is..........trying to keep a kitten from playing with my cords and having the fear that he is going to knock my computer and everything off or chew the cords apart. And...I have told both girls......when the light is on....{in my office} :) not enter!
I had a Teams meeting {face to face} with two co-workers, yesterday, and Alexis comes in and just stands there and stares at me. I specifically told her to leave me be while I was on the meeting. So...trying not to make it like I wasnt paying attention...I glance over to her. Well...then she proceeds to say...'Momma..I just hit my knee and it hurts.'   LIKE WHAT?!?!?!  She is almost 12...........and you would have thought she was 2! My co-workers just started busting out laughing when they heard her because they knew that that was what I was dealing with! Gracious! :)
 And...this afternoon. This was my view. It was soooo odd. Gave me an sick feeling really...because all off us were lined up...miles long of cars...waiting...
we couldnt get out...couldnt 'touch' anything...or anyone...
we could only wait. They were alllll dressed with their masks and gloves...and it was just sad.
I was able to get Alexis' school supplies that were left and Monday I have to do it again to get Lily's.
Just sad. Sad times....crazy times....
prayers and faith that we will get through this and it will not get worse and it will END SOON!

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