Thursday, April 23, 2020

Birthday anti COVID-19 style and one priceless high school pic!

Yesterday marked my birthday!

I have to say....never had a birthday like it in alllll my 38 years!

For sure a birthday for the record books and goes down in History!

Tyler and I celebrated our birthdays, together, on Monday, by grilling out some awesome steaks since we both had been wanting to do that! was a beautiful afternoon spent outside soaking up the sun and smelling the grill!

My birthday day was spent doing all the 'new normal' things such as know... but it was a great day and so very thankful and blessed to have another year under my belt!

Aunt Pam stopped by Tuesday afternoon and surprised the girls with a little goodie bag! They were so excited to see her....and get the goodie bag!
Tuesday was full of this! Alexis is trying to gain her back handspring again...since she has missed gym...she has lost it! Thankfully I have spotted a TON of girls in my spotting her to help get it back is on the agenda! She is getting her confidence back with it! Lily has mastered her cartwheel! She is working on perfecting it and keeping her legs straight!
While we did that...Tyler did this! smelled sooooo good!
And Wednesday! birthday! Hello 3-8!
And....Misty posted this to my Facebook page! the flashback! Our Senior year 'friends' picture! I wish Jacksonville would do this for the girls because this picture is priceless to me! OHH...we were soooo young! Love these ladies though we have all gone our separate ways. Thankfully...I still keep up with most and still see some!
Misty did a sweet post about how I am still just as 'young and sassy' now as I was back then.....
Im not so sure about that! :)

Alexis and Lily made me the sweetest cards for my birthday! Nan made a quiche and Gran brought my favorite candy! Lily made me the cutest Lego piece of two girls girl is me and the other is her. Made my day! My heart is full as I am now 38! Cant wait to see what this year holds....once we are ever able to get back to 'normal!' :)

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