Monday, April 20, 2020

Back at it with Daddy's birthday and the girl's school picture proofs!

We are back at it today!

Rocking and rolling!

Rolling and rocking!

We celebrated Tyler's BIG 3-8 Quarantine birthday yesterday!

Cant believe we are both 38! feels old! ha!.........but I really cant believe how our birthdays are this year!

Never would have thought in a million years we would be stuck at home....the government telling us we can go nowhere and do nothing and have no friends or family over for our birthdays!

Strange! So strange!

But....we made the best out of his day and celebrated him big! Nan brought Top of the River to our porch so we ate a great lunch...and finished it off for dinner! We had Gran and Andrew and Ben stop by to wish him happy birthday with a giant bag of his favorite beef jerky and the Messer's did a porch drop off of Krispy Kreme donuts so we.....................ate WELL yesterday! :) It sort of helped that it stormed alllll day yesterday so we put it in our minds that we couldnt have done anything 'really' if it were a 'normal' that helped! We watched movies, binged on Netflix and played Candyland!...........oh....and ate...and ate...and ate! :)

His LOOT! This doesnt even show it all! German Chocolate cake!..........chocolate gnash cake.....and the donuts too! OH YUM! :)
This was our view on this Monday! Rocking and rolling baby! :)
So...this is how the girl's looked the year that essentially 2020....'didnt happen!' Look at her! Just growing up! Lily's 2nd grade year didnt end like we thought it would ....AT ALL...but she rocked it and is doing so well with the new virtual learning too!
Alexis' 6th grade picture! WOW....just cant believe it! Her year didnt go as planned either. No 6th grade end of the year bash for the 'Seniors' know...she missed out on all of that but she is SO excited about starting HIGH school in the Fall! LIKE WHAT?!?!  :)

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