Wednesday, April 29, 2020

She's not breathing!


the day has come when it is time to see how much the two youngest have grown!

Each and every time we do this {every 6 months} Alexis and Lily get SO competitive! Just can NOT wait to see who has grown the most! It is soooo funny to me how they act!

This time around....Lily made me laugh SO hard!

She goes.........'Momma, Alexis is NOT breathing! She is cheating!'

Oh gracious me! ha!

Lily was up first! She stood tall....I think she wasnt breathing...actually...and...the results were in...
She grew 1 1/2 inches! She is just under Alexis at the same age! OH how I love to look at this piece of the wall and see how they have grown and how they are so close to each other at the different age stages!
Up next...Lex! She grew 2 inches! She has shot up! So....winner winner chicken dinner! Lex got it! WHAT I just can NOT wrap my head the 6 months when we do this again...if Alexis grows 2 more the next 6 months...when we check again...she will be as TALL is me! 2 more inches will get her to me! WHAT!?!?! 6 months from NOW! {Insert tears here......just WOW!}
They always sign their name and I love to see their signatures throughout the times too! LOVE! Lily has won the past couple of times so Alexis was pumped that she beat Lily this time! :)
The wall of growth! ha! My favorite!

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