Friday, April 17, 2020

Aubie is 6!

We celebrated Aubie turning the big 6 yesterday!

OH...this picture cracks me up! NOBODY would cooperate and take a picture. Tyler didnt want his party hat on OR even to be in or take a picture! Alexis didnt want Soccer to touch her black leggings and get cat hair on them! Lily said Aubie was just WAY tooooo big for her to hold anymore {and not to mention Aubie didnt want to be held or wear the party hat....................and it was HIS birthday party!}


this is the picture we got!

Alexis literally is suffocating Soccer with the party hat so you cant see his face, only his paw {which I am sure was screaming HELP me...HELP me! :)}
And....the birthday boy isnt even barely in the picture because he was trying to run away! ha!

We did have a cupcake for him though he didnt eat it! ha! Chaos I tell ya! :)

So....happy BIRTHDAY to Aubie!

You are the BEST cat and we love you SO much!...................especially your new BFF, Soccer! :)

 LOOK! Aubie's 1st birthday party in 2015! Time sure does fly! :)

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