Saturday, April 4, 2020

Our last day and her first day!

Today marked our last day before the 'Shelter in Place' order takes effect. Meaning we could potentially be ticketed, fined, and even arrested if we violate the order that the Governor set forth beginning today at 5:00pm.

So, there you have it.

Crazy.....just sad and crazy!

It really will be no different for us as we have been doing it for weeks now. We really can still do what we have been...........which consists of our backyard...front our home....and back again!

THIS made me laugh out LOUD! was her FIRST time to drive the truck ALL by herself! In the past...she would sit in her Daddy's lap but NOW...she is tooooo big! LIKE what!?!?! She is tall enough to touch the pedals all by herself! She drove and did great! She was soooo excited and proud of herself! Tyler and I, both, were super happy that she did so well! {That is a good sign in our book for the future!} :) She would stop...and put her blinker on...and then turn, etc! :)
She was '10 and 2!'
When it was this one's turn! OH goodness! ha! We got dizzy as she did a 'right' turn...over and over! :)
Glad she has awhile under it is her turn to drive! :)
We checked out the creek! Whew....that water was cold! Big sister gave little sister a back ride. Too sweet!
Time to fire! READY!
Both girls are so competitive! Daddy helped Lily set up and ready to shoot!
Firing like a champ!
Lex's turn.
Seeing the results!
After we got finished at the land we grabbed lunch and spent the rest of the day/afternoon outside at home! Daddy went with Pawpaw to play golf and us girls soaked up the sunshine! Lily jumped, rode her bike and did this!
Alexis did this the entire afternoon. Now that cheer is on virtual learning too, she has been watching videos of the Varsity girls doing the cheers and chants so she can learn them. Well...then she makes her own videos of herself doing what she just learned. This is her talking to the laptop saying things like 'Hey guys, welcome back! This is part 2 of part 1 where I did defense chants. Her is a new one...' and then she does them! ha! She would kill me right now if she knew I took this picture and then talking about how she acted like she was doing like her own YouTube channel! :)
Meanwhile...the girls were doing their 'thing'......Tyler was playing me and this crew did this! House party! This app is SO much fun! Not only can I chat and laugh with some of my bests....we can play different games, etc!
Here I screenshot us doing Trivia. Notice....I stunk at this round! ha! It is so good to have girl time and laugh..............even if it is through a screen since we cant hang out in person!
Once Daddy was home....we grilled out and just relaxed until bedtime! A perfection of a day....even if we are in a pandemic!

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