Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Hello, it's me!


Its me!



I am not even the same Amber anymore! :) What is happening to me!?!?! :)

What I mean by that....

I am 3 1/2 weeks past due for Sarah to cut and highlight my hair! Yeah...the struggle is real and that is going to be one of the first things I do once all these bans and restrictions are lifted! :)

So....I can not tell you the last time I wore pants that had a zipper or buttons. I have resorted to nothing but leggings and shorts {and I am not mad about that actually!} :) And...sports bras are life right now! I dont know if I can ever go back! :)

Wearing hats is my new thing too. Going more than a day or two washing my hair to help 'keep' whatever highlights still are there to not wash away! ha! So...hats hide the roots....and my laziness! :)


I did this today.

I got up and went to Wal-Mart early {as I usually have been doing} to avoid big crowds. I have only been trying to go once a week or not at all but with us eating breakfast, lunch and dinner...at home...we run out quick!

Sooo....today...I wore a mask.

I didnt wear a mast because I 'feel pressured' to...or because I am scared or feel like I have to or that I am really going to get sick. NO, I do not live in fear.

I have seen sooooo many people wearing masks now. Even when people are driving their own car...in their car...by themselves...they are wearing a mask. It is more common to see people with masks now than it is to see people without.

The number of positive cases has reached like over 3,000 already for COVID-19.

Not sure when we will ever get out of the 'state shutdown'...

but hoping it wont be much longer.

I have to say, I hope the continuing to work from home keeps going to at least June....just because I am enjoying it {even though it is really hard to do some...most..days with having the girls home and doing school also and trying to do everything else Im 'responsible' for!} so hopefully it will stay for a little while longer.

So, wearing the mask today made me:
1. Realize the times we are in
2. Realize that it is real, that we are in a crisis
3.I felt like I was more of a 'robber' ....going to rob Wal-Mart than shop {especially with my other 'disguise'...my hat} :)
4. Seeing people that I know...but they didnt know me so I didnt have to stop and talk and the shopping take 30 minutes longer like in the past. :)
5. Made me realize that this is the 'norm' now
6. Made me aware of how much I like to touch my face!

SO....today was a learning an eye opening experience.

Will I wear a mask again....

who knows....

probably not....but probably so.....

I am just praying that this is alllllll over with soon and why....because Summer is quickly approaching and Im going to be very sad if we cant go anywhere or do anything during Summer! :(

So...this is me now. Hello, my name is Amber.
Have to say a PRAISE today! Today marked the very first day that every.single.thing. went smoothly with Lily and her doing her virtual learning! PRAISE!
She is holding up her math answer here to show Mrs. Nelson! Whoo hooo! :)

We will get through this and each day is getting better and better!....and easier and easier to navigate!

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