Thursday, April 23, 2020

The rumble of chainsaws


I had hoped I wouldnt have to hear the rumble of chainsaws throughout our neighborhood ever again after the tornado that came through 2 years ago.

That rumble of constant sawing.....on and on....from a distance. It was like a dull hum everyday for weeks and weeks.



that rumble started again.

We didnt have a tornado but my goodness at the storm!

We didnt even think the storm was bad....I mean...2 weeks ago, Easter Sunday....we had tornado warnings and stronger winds than this!

BUT gracious!

Trees everywhere!

We had a huge limb fall on the trampoline but thankfully it only ripped the netting so Tyler can fix it! Because...FOR REAL...the trampoline is LIFE right now! I dont know what I would do if we didnt have that trampoline during the time we are in!

We had some other big limbs come down but the saddest part is the tree in our front yard. A beautiful tree and it just literally split in half! So, Tyler is going to try and cut down the part that split but we are not thinking it is going to live long with the way it is.

And...we are trying to determine about the other big tree in the very middle of our front yard. I have NEVER seen a tree sway and the roots move like that tree did this morning. Tyler and I were both frozen looking out the window at it.......just praying it didnt fall over. The way it swayed, it would have fallen away from the house...but is a huge tree and would have been bad to fall! Due to the way it did, we are now concerned for the future so we are thinking we are going to have to cut it down too!

Our beautiful front yard will never be the same!

Thankfully there wasnt any major damage like what we had during the tornado! THANK goodness so the rumble of chainsaws wont be as long as 2 years ago! Praise!

I drove around our neighborhood and WOW at all the trees and damage! NOTHING like the tornado but it was shocking at how much nonetheless! Trees on homes and cars and just a mess!


Between all of the COVID mess and storms we have been having....God is telling someone something...and we allll should be listening! Grateful we were okay during the storm today and pray we are in storms to come....including this pandemic!

 Our front yard view. Those two trees in this picture....will no longer be there. BOO! BUT...maybe the one in the middle will be able to stay...we shall see!
Poor thing...just split!
The deep pocket inside the tree! Crazy!
Our backyard view! I moved the big limb from the trampoline before I took the picture.
This branch is HUGE! We are so thankful that we didnt have big damage!
 Tyler pulled the huge.....side of the tree.... with his truck and then got to chopping it up!
  And....we got some helpers! They actually really helped alot and we got it done pretty quick!
 Dont worry...Sydney came to check on our yard....well....she was just being nosey...:) and so we put her to work! They stayed branches apart so they social distanced!

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