Thursday, November 30, 2017

Wordless on a Thursday!

It has been THAT week!

The week after a long holiday...

the week where I just have not sat down...

the week we have gone and done and gone and done!

The VERY busy week we have had something every day and every night!

BUT, it is a FUN week and lots of memories and such that we have done!

I am just tired though! :)

After I got home from Church last night, I had every intention of doing my 'Wordless Wednesday' post...

but then I got home....

and before I knew it, it was just a time to call it a night! :)

So, it isnt what I was planning on posting but it will do! :)

Tuesday, November 28, 2017


The Christmas tree and lights on the Square are now lit!

We enjoyed dinner of wings and chicken...and the BEST fried pickles at Jeffersons {per the request of Lex} before we headed to our town Square to enjoy the lighting ceremony!

The girls enjoyed some hot chocolate while we listened to the Kittystone band and singers before the big countdown to the lighting!

It was a fun little afternoon to get into the Holiday spirit!

Some warm hot chocolate on a nice but a little chilly night!
Sweet Daddy letting Lily see the singing!
3-2-1....we did a countdown to the lighting!
Singing some fun Christmas songs!
A sweet friend took a family picture for us! I hate it is blurry!
When we got home...I walked in to Lily's room and saw this sweet scene! She was just sitting quietly by her Christmas tree looking at all of her ornaments! :)
I also love this picture for several reasons!
1.She is just so sweetly admiring her tree! Melts me!
2.Her little toes in the picture! :)
3.Just her.........her precious self! :)
4.The background! How she has her room with all of her special objects and trinkets that she has placed exactly where she wants them in her room! :) :)
5.How she just loves dolls and stuffed animals...and how she has them all placed in her room too! :)
Then she stood up and checked out the higher ones! She had no idea I was snapping pictures!
Until she turned around...and posed for me! :) :)
I wanted to post a picture of all the fun things Alexis got last night during her Awards ceremony! I love their trophies this year! Alexis picked out the picture of her and Sam Parker to put in it! I gave her several options to use and she picked that one! I think it is a precious picture! :) I also love how the picture snow globes turned out too!

End of the season ceremony!

Last night marked our cheer season's ending Awards ceremony!

The girls always look forward to it because they all get recognized and get surprises! :)

It has been such a great season and huge sigh of relief from last year! I am SO glad!

I look forward to helping and being with Lily next year!...

and if Alexis does decide to do danceline...excited to watch her shine as she dances! :)

We had Hogan's funeral Sunday, so my two were ready to celebrate his wonderful life!
Hogan's funeral marked the girl's first one to go to. They had a lot of questions...which was good because they wanted to understand and learn. It was a great moment for me to let Alexis know too that this is why we have God in our hearts and we know Hogan does and that he is going to Heaven. She keeps asking questions about getting baptized, etc so it wont be much longer that she is ready!
And the boys! They went first at the ceremony last night! There is a bunch of B-Teamers! :) They had a great season and are a great group of boys! I cant wait to watch them play in high school! They are going to be a great team!
Alexis getting her awards! Best Flyer again this year! She just shines up in the pyramids and is always SO brave to try anything I ask her to! She is a natural cheerleader! {And..Im not just saying that because she is mine!} :) :)
I had the lovely duty of talking in the Danielle helped had out the awards and gifts!
My two!
Love this group of cheer coaches that helped me...and also who I call friends!
 Of course Lily wanted me to take a picture of her and some of her friends too! :) Love these three!

Saturday, November 25, 2017

Warrrr Eagle BABY!

Auburn WON!!

Auburn WON!!

Auburn WON!!!

Whooo hooo!!!

What an AUsome game!

Auburn was up the whole game....played hard....showed their heart....and WON!

What a night! ha!

29 to 14 FINAL score! WHOOO HOOO!!

  My little Auburn girl ready for the game to start!
The biggest Auburn fan was ready too!
THIS cat!...was like this every time I shook my shaker!
And...then would try and grab it....every time! ha!
They made a fort about midway through the game to watch it! Heading to the SEC Championship against Georgia! Can NOT wait! War Eagle!!!
Enough said!

A little of this and that!

A few random pictures of other things we have been up to on our Thanksgiving break!

Of course we couldnt go this whole week knowing that Santa was able to be talked to! So...we headed to the Gadsden Mall and they had a chance to tell the big guy want they want! They both were in deep convo with him!

Also, Mallory gave them face masks as some of their gifts from her asking them to be in her wedding. They begged and begged to do the masks so yesterday...we lounged and watched the Price Is Right while we did the masks! I also used some of Alexis' since she had a lot. It was a charcoal mask and felt amazing! :)

I thought I would share how we had a baby eat with us at the Classic for Thanksgiving! Lily had her a chair and all! I think the baby loved it...I didnt hear her cry any while we ate! :)
In depth conversation with Santa!
Lex making sure she tells him everything!
Two girls happy with talking to the big guy!
This cracked me up! OH this girl! She didnt know what to think about the mask..but wouldnt take it off...wouldnt move her face or anything! Ha!
Alexis thought she was SO grown! She said she was at a spa!
Just relaxing in our pjs with our face masks on! So relaxing!

Friday, November 24, 2017

More Turkey day..part 2!

Alexis was such a BIG help for me while I cooked the squash casserole and macaroni salad to take to Lana's!

She was in the kitchen with me the entire time helping me prep and then cook and clean!

Lily cracked me up because on the way to pick up Nannie, I told Alexis how thankful I was for her and thanked her for helping me and Lily got SO mad!

It was so out of nowhere! What was funny was..we were in the car...and Lily goes 'Well, okay Mommy...Alexis is the star!' {Tyler, Alexis and I had the most confused looks on our face!} Tyler goes 'Lily what does that mean? Why are you saying Alexis is a star?' And she goes, 'Daddy, I didnt help Mommy cook {because she was watching the parade} so Alexis just gets all the stuff and is a star because she helped Mommy!'

It was the most random conversation! ha!

So, I tried to smooth it over and I said 'Thank you Lily for cleaning up your room earlier in the day!'

And....Lily goes, 'Mommy, I never clean up my room!'

Oh me, are you as confused as we all were!?!?! :) :)

Love this girl like she is my very own sister!
We decided to still have our 'normal' Thanksgiving plans even though we were all sad about Hogan passing but I think it was best because it helped Nannie to have us all around and we had a great time together. She had some sad moments but she was okay.
Aunt Pam was being silly and wanted everyone to hold hands and look at the tree and sing! ha! The girls were like..........okay!?!? :)
The girls!
When we got home...I gave the girls their gifts that Mallory had sent for them to be in her wedding! Alexis has moved up in the ranks and is going to be a junior bridesmaid! She gets to wear a bridesmaid dress this time! She is PUMPED to have a new title! :)
They were both half asleep when we got home, but they perked right up when they opened their goody bags! :)

Turkey day 2017! Part 1!

We headed to the Classic on Noble to enjoy Thanksgiving brunch this year!

It was brunch because we had to eat earlier than usual but that didnt stop us from getting plate...after plate of the goodness! We headed to Nan and Pawpaw's for a little bit before heading home and watching the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade and doing some cooking to take to LaLa's.

We had a full day of family and food!

Love this picture of Lily! Ready to get some Tgiving food in her belly! :)
She looks so grown!
She looks 25! They both wanted me to curl their hair...and they both look gorgeous!
The 'back' view of Alexis! :)
Lily's 'back' view! :)
Sweet girls!
Us girls ready to go!
Tyler dipped out right when this picture was about to be he missed out! The Classic is always a hit!
Alexis and Lily LOVE the kid's candy table!
Nan and Lily!
They were too busy talking to care to take a picture!
See...Alexis loves the candy table. She sat there purposely trying to turn her entire mouth blue!
The family picture!