Saturday, November 11, 2017

Silver division and a beauty!

The end of the season is here. It has been such a great season and I have very much enjoyed coaching the great girls that I have had this year! They were such hardworking, respectable, sweet girls!

The season has been long but today is bittersweet!

Couldnt have ended the season any better than Silver Division Grand Champions! It was a perfect day for some football.....and a big win to wrap up the season!

Lily dressed her baby up in Auburn attire too and took her around town with us! :)
My little future Auburn cheerleader! :)
Jacksonville Eagles CHEER! :) :)
Before we headed to the game, we stopped by and Lily picked out her dress for the pageant coming up! She looks SO beautiful! I am SO sad that I will be missing seeing her shine at the pageant...but I cant wait for her to be in the 1st annual JHS pageant! She is going to rock it!
Game time! We thought it was going to be cold!
But it ended up being a perfection of an afternoon!
This little cheerleader's last game of the season!
These two loved being curled up in the soft blanket! They are a mess together!  :)
Two peas in a pod in their adorable Auburn attire! Besties!
 The crew!
 Sweet girls...and the sweetest of friends!
 Half-time! They just shine out there!
Go Eagles!
The last walk!
Checking out the trophy!
An awesome and HUGE group of great kiddos!
We beat Rainbow City 14-7!
A sweet parent took this and sent it to me! I love my girls! I was hugging them all right before we all left! I am going to miss them!

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