Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Living in the trees!

How awesome!

SO cool!

OH, how I would have LOVED this as a kid!

Daddy finished the treehouse...

and it is amazing!

The girls are thrilled!

They can NOT wait for it to have all the 'fun' stuff in it and for them to get to hang out in it   per them! :)

Lily had her 6 year old well doctor's visit today! She looks good...and is still growing like a weed! :) She got a flu shot too and she was SO brave! She didnt cry not one she informed me that she gets to pick out a toy when we go shopping! :)
Meanwhile...Daddy finished up the awesome treehouse! He has worked SO hard on this and it is so cool!
Working on the ladder!
LOOK! Being inside is so awesome! YOU can see out...and it feels like you are right in the trees!...because you are! :)
They were having a chat!
Learning how to open and close the door and use the ladder!
Lily is SO excited about it!
There is so much room up there! OH you should have heard both of them talking about playing up in it! So fun!
We have Thanksgiving tonight with Ben and Gran before the BIG turkey day tomorrow!

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