Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Wordless Wednesday...turkey style!

Not really a typical 'Wordless Wednesday' posting but it is for sure is a packed full post of events from today!

Kittystone had their Thanksgiving feast today so I enjoyed eating lunch with Alexis! Well, I actually didnt eat, but I got to sit and talk to her...............and give about 1,000 hugs {from all my little cheerleaders and every other sweet child I know!} before I left! :)
Daddy enjoyed lunch with Lily! He is in trouble with me,though, because he didnt take any pictures! Lily was dressed as a cute little Indian too that she had decorated all by Im bummed! :)
This was my view on the other side of the table! These crazy three! :)
 A sweet teacher friend did send me this today that she saw on the wall! This makes my heart smile that Lily chose this to write! :) :)
 We had a packed full day of fun! Church night...and I helped fill them with sugar and chocolate! ha! Tonight was the 'kids in the kitchen' portion! They all LOVE this! They all love to help cook....and eat what they cook! :)
My view! Now, it is only 8:20 and I am pooped! I am curled up...already in lights TV....I hear the rain outside....and I am about to call it a night! :)

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